Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Meanwhile Tornado IDS MFG… at Rang VIII and it also a Event vehicle

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I mean it’s the next big step for at least 3 nations if they want to catch up other wise we are right back to square one again with Britain. Where we have to wait years just for a decent fighter.

We are extremely close to early/pre-production Typhoon level fighters at this point, with the Su-27S and JAS39A/C, yet Gaijin refuses to add it with other nations getting similar aircraft, and my guess as to why is that German, British, and Italian air don’t get much money, especially when compared to America and Russia.

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It’s not really about the money for tt vehicles as they commission there models.
But yea at this point is just pro Russia and US that’s it we are not at a stage where I call this the ant circle of death. Where they keep adding thing to the major two while the other slowly die off.

Also if they are planning to add F15Cs with AMRAAMS along side russian equivalents what will other nations get that is on par that isn’t a pre production Eurofighter

As we would be stuck with 3rd gen aircraft till the Eurofighter

2 out of 3 of those nations just received a new top fighter within the last 2 major updates.

Typhoons are a larger leap ahead of where we currently are, and we are not close to that development right now. So they should not be expected anytime in the immediate future.


I could make a joke about the SMT and the C but I’m just gonna leave it here

hi smin

Anything you can share regarding whether the SAAF Gripen C will recieve Armament updates (ie the 5th GBU on the centre pylon or improved AAMs whether they be IR or RAD missiles to keep it up with the newer additions coming this year or will it keep its place at 12.7?


We don’t have anything to announce in this area at the moment. For the time being, it remains one of the top performing aircraft in game currently.


Gib f4f ice.


now if only it wouldnt be DOA

I don’t even care anymore. I’ve been waiting for that damned plane since 2018.


Will F-16ADF get better AAMs in exchange for higher BR, especially the Italian one since that TT doesn’t have 12.3-12.7 fighter?

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je crois qu’il passait tout suite a la production aprés comme la plus part des super lourds francais mais le temps a fait défauts a nous pendant la guerre

AIM9L/I and AIM9L/I-1


No need for that with AIM9L/Is which would be identical to AIM9Ms ingame, minus the smokeless motor

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The thing is why would they add functionally the same missile if they can just give it AIM-9M

So, not identical.

That was a vary fast return

Before: 60$ Tank 2000 GE 15 days of premium
Now: ~40$ in GE
2000 GE ~13$
15 days of premium ~6$
So pricing stayed roughly the same