Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Before the massive amounts of complaining about the Gripen, I reckon June.

But since then, and the major nations realising that they are outclassed by Euro-Deltas entirely. It could be massively “delayed”

Ok so what missile does France get comparable to the aim120 again?

The MICA EM, however I think that’s roughly equal to the AIM-120C-5, so it’d be quite a bit better than the AIM-120B.

So, now that will have to be addressed, no? Or will GJ give it to the 5F?

copy past performance to the other missiles and act like they do not know what we are talking about?

Just like the magic 2 took this long to get going and still lacks somewhat.

The Italian Tornados could not use AIM-120s. They will likely get a ‘late’ F-16ADF is my guess along with AMRAAMs on their AV-8B+. They could also get a Hungarian Gripen to tide them over until the Eurofighters

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3 possiblities I see.

  1. artificially nerf MICA
  2. Add the IR variant of the MICA and not the ARH version
  3. Leave France DOA for a while (wouldnt be the first time they did that to a nation)

I’m assuming Gaijin will do with it what they did with the Magic II, which was added in a significantly worse state than it is in real life.

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i know that all of us are really excited to see this big changes in top tier AIR RB, me too… am waiting for this moment all my damn life, but we need to be calm because otherwise we are going go have a heartattack xd

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But, but, but but…

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At least we get it in game and we can adresss it as needed. Thats still a win.

I despise the fact that such an advanced Mirage is flying with the super 5s.

But I get it.

a later ADF is a possibility, but they for sure are going to add the AMRAAMs in the AV8B+

It would be a logical entry aircraft, its a shame they are so committed to symmetrical addition of ARH

Especially since, as far as I know, the Mirage 2000-5Fs radar can’t guide anything worse than MICAs.


thats not necessary they could add the First MICA, the MICA-RF and more in the future the MICA-EM which is more advance.

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The RF and the EM are the same thing. It’s just a language difference.

hahaha am excited to see him too, but we need to wait some months for that.

This is what I see them doing, especially since the gunpod associated w/ the Mirage 2000D RMV is in the files. Would let them introduce something w/ new mechanics for France to compete using, while avoiding having to go straight to the 6+ supermanouverable ARH loadout 's on the -5F and later( or give nothing at all ).

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Please don’t give GJ ideas about shoving another F-16 thats exactly the same with Aim-120s down our throat! lol

Just give the Aim120 to the ADF that the Italians leased and call it a day or a Hungarian special one.

i mean some jets for example the Barak II never used AMRAAMs soo… there is an option to keep this jet competitive in a FOX-3 scenario, and that option in the Python-4 which is the realistic and historical option for this jet. i dont have any doubt that we´ll see some jets without more options of missile reciving some advance FOX-2 to compensate the lack of FOX-3s.

Never had them unfortunately. Italy leased F-16s for AMRAAM role rather than upgrading their Tornado ADVs to carry AMRAAM like Britain did. It would either be F-16A (late) or something from Hungary as a stopgap till Typhoon.

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