Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I see,

(edit: didn’t read full announcement)
Now I do not want to be a party pooper, but I do not want people to get hopes up and start a riot. But @Smin1080p said next year. Which essentially can mean any time within the next 12 months. Right?

I also think if it does come to game, its coming with Aim-120s.
It would be very lame to have essentially the same Gripen come with ancient skyflashes still, no?

So, another question, are the devs ready to implement Aim-120 already? If so, are they ready to place them on the Gripen, which is already probably the most survivable aircraft at top tier at the moment?

in the text says “We’d like to say that we’ll be adding the JAS39C for Sweden in the first major update of 2024.” soo there is no much to think its coming in march and my honest opinion is that the 90s FOX-3 are coming in march too.


Oh then thats pretty direct then. Did not see that part.

So now aim-120s? or skyflashes?

I hope they do not forget about the Viggen Mod D either.

“So, another question, are the devs ready to implement Aim-120 already? If so, are they ready to place them on the Gripen, which is already probably the most survivable aircraft at top tier at the moment?”

am gonna remember this for you people, all the nations in game are going to recive this type of missile at the same time (and this is more than clear), this means all the nations are going to be on pair with regard to armament. dont worry!! all of us are going to get our most awaited ARH missiles.

The F-16 ADF italy will too? That does not make sense.

the Mig29G? it did not have active missiles. That does not make sense either.

So the Typhoon is coming too? Or F4F ice?

probably, i mean it should the italian ADF used AIM-120s soo… why not

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Actually the Tornado F3. and its harrier will be cool too.

talking about the Mig-29G is a very hard to say whats going to happen with this jet for me is a mistery, the Typhoon could come why not, i mean with FOX-3s for all the nations this type of jets like the Typhoon or rafale are more easy to balance, this is the reason why i want the 90s FOX-3s to be added, is because that it would be more easy to add modern stuff without breaking the game for the rest of nations and players

I think it’s finally time to bring the ICE if they decide not to bring in the typhoon.

I think it will be a pretty cool 12.0-12.3 (depending how good they want to model aim-120).

i mean the ICE is lovely i really want that thing in game is a unique specimen talking about phantoms, soo… if typhoon is not added them add the ICE of course

JAS39C for Sweden in the first major update of 2024.

That would be a reasonable assumption

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Yeah and doesnt Germany have those special later Aim9s? I forgot what it was called. I think a 12.0-12.3 phantoms is totally feasible and unique as hell.

ADF should get both AIM-120 and AIM-9M (AIM-9L/I or L/I-1 in case of Italy) eventually. Idk why it still doesn’t have better IR missiles in the game, especially since there is no 12.3 fighter in the Italian TT now.


I reckon at least 1 more round of aircraft before Typhoon.

Something like

Sea Harrier FA2 / Tornado F3 AoP for Britain
F-16A (With 9Li and AMRAAM) or Hungarian Gripen C for Italy
F4F-ICE for Germany

But I dont think Typhoon is far off

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AIM-9Li, but thats not all the ICE can use the IRIS-T plus the AMRAAMs

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I think we are too early for those. ASRAAM would be cool for the Tornado F3 AoP, but that would be overkill at this stage. I reckon Early AMRAAM first. likely with Aim-9Li for F4F-ICE. Aim-9M for Tornado F3 AoP

Personally, I think the Eurofighter is the September update at the earliest. With how Gaijin has acted about it.

Summer update if we are extremely lucky.


Oh yeah I forgot Gaijin can come out of left field with alternate states like Hungary. Just like they did the SA gripen. While we wait for the Tyhphoon

time to time brother, be patient, we are going to get a lot of new info in february, lets wait and see whats coming.

it could come in june who knows…