Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

JAGM is a big L. 8.0km range is quite meh. Hopefully Brimstone sticks around for them as a viable option. Kind of like how in theory the Ka-52 can launch a Kh-29T/TE, but we’ve never seen them deploy with one.

Brimstone was also tested on a new Apache so there’s the argument for the UK to get it. Plus to my knowledge the UK hasn’t actually purchased JAGM yet so with the new Defense secretary there’s still hope for them to make an intelligent decision for once.

I don’t care about politics anymore, but what concerns me is that the PLA has yet to show off a tank that exceeds the current ZTZ-99A, so there’s no new MBT the PLA can get in game. The M1A2T would be the only “new” top tier tank that china could receive that would be competitive at top tier.

The Chinese army receives very little funding from military expenses. In the new year, the navy obtains new types of ships or weapons, while the air force obtains new aircraft or upgrades old ones on a large scale. When looking at the army, they say, “Look! We have obtained a new boot!”


This would actually be a great event vehicle!

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When can we expect devblogs for next update to start?

Placing a new boot pendant on ZTZ-99A is ironic, haha

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It’s kinda makes since. If a conflict breaks out over the Pacific, or mountains, then heavy tanks might not be so useful, hints the new Type 15 light ish tank


Yes, most of PLAAF’s J7, J8, and their modified models have almost been retired. On the other hand, some units in the western region of PLAA are even using the original or modified version of ZTZ-59

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However, the deployment of ZTZ-99A and ZTQ-15 is different. ZTZ-99 is mostly deployed in the northern plains, while ZTQ-15 is mostly deployed in the southern paddy fields or hilly areas

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Mid to late feb probs…

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I’m finishing my JH-7A grind, then it’s on to the J-11, and lastly the f-16. So I say this as someone who will benefit from Chinese innovation. Unless gaijin does a major radar re-work, AESA vs PESA won’t matter much, especially with second and third gen PESA like Bars and Irbis-E.

China’s greatest Flanker that will be unique to them is likely going to be the J-16. Lighter composites for what is essentially a two-seat Su-35 equivalent (minus canards+TVC). Su-30MK2 will be good too, but J-16 should be something quite different.

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The military is simply not interested in a new MBT, even in the case of war with Russia there are small needs for a new MBT. However there are rumors that a new commision has been set up to research tanks. By the time it rolls out, it is likely that the game needs to start using prototypes.

Honestly at the rate we’re advancing in game I don’t think it will take that long to see these kind of planes, especially since we’re already running out of future airframes for some nations anyways.


I just how china will show off some new prototypes sooner than later, so that we can have a challenger 3 solution for China

That being said, I think China needs more light tanks, SPAA and IFV’s anyhow right now

The J-16 is a heavy-duty multifunctional fighter that can undertake ground strike missions, drive away enemy aircraft missions, air support missions, or serve as the ammunition wingman of the J20 to complete A-launch and B-guidance tasks. Recently, China’s J16D electronic warfare fighter jet has conducted two electronic confrontations with the United States in Xiamen and the South China Sea, both of which have ended with the victory of the J16D

Merkava reload buff

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and f5E ain’t moving up in br now

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Wait really?

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Bro, the J-16 is very strong in reality, but not necessarily in the game.

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