Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

f*cking yes , i miss having missed stuff such as the Ersatz M10 , T-V (USSR) , Lorraine 155 Mle.50 , etc … all because of reason’s out of my controle

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They mentioned that more details will be revealed on the 25th, which makes me think that the roadmap will be released then.

Saw that, semi worrying that we might have FOMO no market vehicles.

Also kind of worried theres no comment on the thing about premium status on the vehicles, will those that are not top tier still have premium bonuses, or will none now, or all have it?

I’m wondering what the br range will be for such event vehicles and wheter all nations get a vehicle.

Not that we get 3-4 Ru, Ge or US vehicles and 0-1 vehicles for minor nations.

And are helicopters also available in the event?

@Smin1080p Do you have information regarding these topics? (which you are allowed to share)

Lorraine 155 Mle.50 and AMX-50 Surblindé are two of the rarest vehicles in WT.
Don’t know if Gaijin will try to maintain the rarity status but yea a rerun for these should be great.


Since there’ll be more event vehicles per year now, it would make sense for some repeat vehicles to give some time for the devs to catch up with new vehicles.

you know …
US Army also captured a King Tiger (Ausf. B)

and don’t forget UK’s famous Tiger 131

Maybe potential future super exclusive event vehicles?


Not sure if it will be more, just seemingly more spread out.

i think they will be C&P mostly, with different stats (like engine, add-ons, extra AA armament and weight)

Doubt that.
The events generally tend to have unique stuff only, I don’t see why this would be different

That would also make sense.


More chilled events like Enlisted?

You’re a little late, mate.


Whatever one may call chilled when it still takes 35-40k per stars with multiple stars still being required

After doing some rough calculations, you’re right. It was 16 per year before, and it should be roughly that now, plus or minus one.

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yeah, 35-40K is still a lot.

I wonder how many starts you need to unlock it. The event takes around 12-18 days. Which means 6-9 stars total. I don’t hope we need to get 8-9 stars to unlock the vehicle.

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None of them, saddly.

Minor/major nation in war thunder depend of the number of players, not what the country is capable or whatever.

Only US/GER/RU are major nation in the game, UK is not a major neither whatever thee say, they don’t have the same number of players than the 3 others.


now that we will have way more events ti could be interesting

Should be a positive change overall
Instead of large player spikes in events it should generally just be a busier environment

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I wish they remade our air lines and just give us a naval one ^^

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