Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

That is the other big thing, if it gets slightly better AMRAAM then awesome. And Aim-120C5s are possible. It depends on

A) When Britain actually purchased Aim-120C5s (Tornado F3 AoP finished in 2006 and that equipped Tornado F3s with C5s)

B) Did the FA2 ever actually get cleared with Aim-120C5s (As they were retired in 2006)

But either way, might simply be needed.

(Failing that, I think the FA2 could equip ASRAAM :P )

The Gripen C can’t guide Skyflashes, yet has them, so it could be given anyway.

This is very true.

I would, but it would mean i have to inhale the smog, causing my premature death (even if the air was clear i would not).


New M551 (76mm) BRs: 6.3/6.7/6.7

Also this thing is 3.7 apparently:

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Why no finnish F-18? I accepted fate after shermans.

Stabilized guest from future who will oppress panthers and tigers? Gaijin, take my money

We won’t get it. It’s French, so we all know it won’t happen.

I sure hope we gonna get the roadmap today.
It has been a month by now.

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There was a replicate of this on the tomcat available as a custom skin, not sure if it is B capable but I am using that on the A tomcat

Also we need a WE.177 for British nuke jaguars, idc about the rest of western/nato members, the Brits are not dropping a Fr*nch nuke

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Seeing how little ammo the M551(76) carries I doubt it will be very problematic at 6.7, but I also wouldn’t be suprised if we see it moved to 7.0 eventually.

Does the new M551(76) get M496 HEATFS?
coz the T92 does and its at 6.7 AB/7.0 RB
if not, then I doubt it’ll move to 7.0 RB
It has bigger silhouette than the T92 without a low-profile turret.

No, just APDS of the M41 Bulldog.

[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle - News - War Thunder
Crafting events are no more. Rejoice!


mission points only!
Nice …


Are vehicles going to be coupons to sell on the market though? Also thats a lot of “uptime” requirements there. I do hope gaijin reduce the grind a bit at least on them or make it cheaper to use GE.

Overall the concept could be sound, but its asking for a lot of uptime on players side and I am sure gaijin doesnt want to exhaust players into leaving/taking longer breaks from the game.

edit - saw a reply saying most will have coupons… thats a little worrying on the FOMO side of things NGL.

As @Neobushido commented:
One thing i would like to see on occasion is a repeat vehicle from old events thrown in the mix with these, would be a great way to add a break for people who have them and want a break while letting people who don’t have them another chance to get em.
^this’d be nice actually

