Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I would rather see the information for the 25th today, so they don’t let us in the dark for a few days.

As a example to what to come the 25th

Hoping that the ground reward will be Chinese, they’ve had only one event vehicle in all their years

I also think this isn’t a positive thing in the sence of allround playable nations.
If people constantly have to grind tanks, planes, naval, they wouldnt go for minor nations due to the lack of lineups.

I think they could solve this issue by letting people grind the vehicle with the nation that the event vehicle is for.

Like if there is an American event vehicle, you can only grind it with American vehicles.

Otherwise we get constant premium lineup spams for the Us, Ge and Ru.

If a moderator reads this; what do you think?

Not sure if it’s the best idea, but it is an interesting proposition.
Perhaps worth making a suggestion for to see the community discuss it amongst itself?

where can i make this suggestion?

In the suggestions tab under “gameplay” I think would work best

i cant make a suggestion because i still have one pending

Strange, multiple suggestions should be able to pend at once.
Maybe depends on your level in the forums?


it worked

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Too much clutter here to realise it’s so many messages up…

Tasks and Stage purchases?

Do we have to buy the tasks?

It means that you can buy stars with GE instead of grinding them.


its says: “Tasks And Stage purchases cost will vary in each event” etc…

The almighty is typing

It will be as it always has been: you can choose to grind or to buy
Not sure why there’s any confusion here, it’s been like that since forever

Detailed spesifics on each event and the vehicles within them will be published before the start of those respective events. It will be spread our across a wide range, but today’s announcement is just covering the larger changes in structure, moving away from crafting events.


Same for the Rafale




Since they don’t talk about helicopters on the News page.

Also no criteria of br has been given. But we will have to wait and see then.

Thanks for the fast reply

Look at what Mag was replying to.