Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The Hunter F58 should be in the British tree, just as the CF-18 should not be in the British tree.

The Typhoon.

My god your missing the point Typhoon is no time soon according to smin so if everyone else has a fox3 4th gen what do we get then


Then Typhoon some time mid to late this year then

That is irrelevant, as I have said. The point is not that Gaijin will add the Typhoon, but that Gaijin should add it.

If that is how it needs to be.

Please not 9Hs to a 12.7 plane, for the love of all that is holy.

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12.7? Buddy it’s for F/A-18A. F-16A equivalent

Dude i literally made this up to troll my friends
Apologies to anyone who was involved
Just to make it clear, I am not 油库里, neither have i ever discussed anything with him. I troll with my friends every update and I always made sure to declar the list fake.
Apologies again for the possible inconvinences


Nah it fine we all know it was fake it got an actual IFV for Britain


list ends up being 100% accurate

It’s a pretty accurate guess of what I think the next update will bring lol

There are some wierd ones, like Skyflash active, We’ve already seen gaijin refuse to add modifiied Aim-9Ls or even really make Aim-9M all that unique from Aim-9L. When they can add Aim-120B instead, they will, less work.

i dont blame them entirely for this decision as it ultimately means less stuff to balance in a game with thousands of vics and weapons

Yeah, I get it, but it is none-the-less a bit of a shame. SRAAM, Red Tops, Skyflash. All need total overhauls and Aim-9Ls and Aim-9M are underperforming compared to IRL. Just a shame

I know it’s just a mockup loadout list but 9Hs do not belong at 12.X, let alone 11.7 (F-14A should have 9Ls.)

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We gotta admit how fast the game evolves. Last year this arsenal seems quite threatening and now it is nothing special.
Doesnt matter if its gaijin being greedy or what, the game just changed from gen 2+ to 4 within a year.

Main weapon of F-14 are radar missiles anyway. A doesn’t need better sidewinders unless you want it to be 12.0

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I would argue that the BR of 11.7 is sufficiently high enough for a plane like the 14a to comfortably have 9Ls - M2KCS4 sits at 11.7 with Magic 2s and that is a more potent airframe given the dogfighting meta.

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*for now

I strongly suspect that was a mistake and will move up, we shall have to wait for the revised BR changes.