Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Honestly a CF-18 with AMRAAM for UK would be a pretty good addition as it would be mean the JAS39C can stay at 12.7

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That’s that, makes a lot more sense

Yeah, FA2 and F3 with AMRAAM if the Gripen stays put will semi-last us until Typhoon

Not possible at this time as has been stated by Gaijin (through Smin) pretty heavily.

I can also still see the JAS39C going up and maybe getting something like R-Darter which iirc is a ARH A-Darter?


Well mostly decompression like the F14s weapons wont be changing so they will have that and i don’t think the F15A will get AMRAAMS

The CF-18 has nothing to do with the UK. The Typhoon is a jet co-developed by the UK. Whether or not it’s coming is completely irrelevant.

neither did the SAAF JAS39C yet it came.

I know. I never said I didn’t.

I don’t think so if their gonna give the SAAF GRIPEN FOX 3 it would be AMRAAMS

Many Canadian vehicles make their way to the British TT, like the ADATS. its not entirely beyond the realm of possibility for the CF-18 to be on the British TT if its needed

The ADATS was added out of necessity, and the rest don’t fit into any other nation. The CF-18 is not needed since the ZA JAS39C and Typhoon exist.

It all depends on when gajin decides the Typhoon is needed

Yep. Which based upon 2023, about 6 months after F22 is added. But anyway.

I reckon we’ll see Tornado F3 AoP, Sea Harrier FA2 and either Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9A before Typhoon yet.

If you give the Gripen AMRAAMS we back to the problem we had before as it would be moved up and their be a massive gap

Its not needed currently no, but like the F14B and F15A and F16C for US it’d be nice to have more than just one option

Those are American jets, and thus they go to America. The CF-18 is not British.

I never said anything about giving it AMRAAMs.

and the Hunter F58 is not a German Fighter.

Vehicles go where they are needed. Many Canadian Vehicles end up on the British TT. Therefore CF-18 could end up on the British TT. Simple

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Then if the EFT is deemed to come no time soon what will our 4th gen fox 3 carrier be