Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

That would be the MiG29OVT i think


F4s anyone


Rooikat 105, Leo 1 L/44, SU-39, Type 74 G, B1 ter


Fleet phantom with slats, PD, HMD is premium. P2W.

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That would be pretty nice to see with the current mix of aircraft

Unless guided by datalink that would be my hope as then they’d be okay to dodge with their own seekers and if guided by datalink its just like a SARH but a bit better.

I also hope they add AIM-120A to counter the R27ER (as was historically intended) for instance an F-15 with 120A’s shouldn’t be the same br as some sort of Flanker with R27EA.

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Mig-29OVT. It was the testbed for the Mig-29M it had TVC fitted which was lost on the 29M due to cost and complexity etcetera. Not sure what it would get though as its main appearance was for airshows so im not even sure if its combat capable.

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Did it not just have AMRAAM?

It’s likely combat capable, as most testbeds came from fully functioning prototypes (like the first testbed for Su-27’s with TVC). But I doubt the OVT was intended for production, if it’s anything like the Su-27UB-PS. Not sure of the OVT, but the Su-27UB-PS only had one flat nozzle TVC engine, the other was a standard AL-31F, and the cowling over the engine was entirely ungodly in dimensions and clearly never intended for combat.

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That one sounds useless TVC only on one engine (in game)

The OVT was the testbed for the Mig-29M so it was initially going to use the TVC until the financial troubles particularly put that to bed. Plus intended for production has never really been a limit, particularly for Russian/Soviet vehicles.

Mikoyan MiG-29 - Wikipedia

I’m not an expert on Russian/Soviet aircraft but here are the OVT’s engines with TVC.

And yes I suspect it would be combat capable, I can see them giving the OVT all the systems of the Mig-29M as it tested them, or they give the 29M the OVT’s TVC as it could have had those engines (if Russia could’ve afforded it).

They’ll bend rules for Russia.

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Well, yea


Looks at Yak-141


My thoughts exactly. Hence:


Dear lord I hate it.

They flew it my god

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Guess why I’ve never suggested it XD

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I feel like doing it for the fun of having something so cursed in-game.

Appreciate the info. I’m a huge Flanker fan, can’t say I’m a big MiG-29 dude. They typically used different OKB’s for designs, so Klimov is less familiar. Lyulka/Saturn NPO is more what I’m aware of, and even then I don’t dig into the minutia of the different subseries of engines, just the changes in thrust etc.

They’ll bend the rules for any nation that may provide them a worth return on investment.

That being said, the Fulcrum airframe is running out of relevant variants that they can add to the game that will be competitive with other tactical fighters.

It’s yet one of another “rock and a hard places” that the Russian tree/Gaijin find themselves in. One being the gap between the early 90’s and the early 2000’s where not a lot exists in high production volumes (more complaints of bias etc.), and 2. once production ramps up you get mostly large frame (Flanker) planes with very nice PESA’s radars, a shitton of pylons, and supermaneuverability soon after.

People are going to be mad when another Flanker gets added while the US only has some other odd F-16 block 69+++^2 or whatever that still only has a limited A2A capability, but that is where we will find ourselves without a few odd Fulcrums to add to the mix.

Su-27 Flight computer was fine. The data provided helped with integrating the AL-41’s and was quite helpful for the Su-37 and Su-47 in developing the tech that would find itself on the Su-30SM and Su-35 initially.

Nah, I’ve a new M2K pending and a new german SAM suggestion in the works atm.