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The WTD is worse then the SU 39, good try troll, try again

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I can’t deny that Su-30M2 might be better Su-34 basic but Su-34 very good fighter-bomber/Multirole strike fighter

F-15E payload more than Su-34 but Su-34 RWR & avionics technology newer F-15E 90’s

I guess Su-34 basic same F/A-18E Super Hornet (Block I) class

Just to help you with your point

IRCM one of the only planes to have this
Only plane in game with ground radar even though their is other planes that should have it
Tv guided bombs and rockets
laser guided missiles
It is a cas machine not bad at all for what it meant to due but bad in Air battles like every other cas plane

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arguably the wtd is wrose in ARB as well, gets only 2 Aim 9Ls and bad countermeausure number

its faster so it can bomb bases is the only advantage in air RB

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It’s not tho. They share the same BR but out of the 2 Tornado at least can defeat itself by simply running. Of course you may say enemies will catch it anyway but compared to Su it has at least some options.

its even bad in that, every decent F4 pilot will steal the bases quicker then you, the range advantage of dumb rockets they can use to destroy bases is ridiculous

the SU 39 has R-73 combined with the IRCCM and countermeasure you can get into a position to counter fire

All late Su-25s are amazing in CAS honestly. Idk why people say they can’t compete against VT1 while even the old Kh-29T had better range than any SPAA in game (apart from Pantsir and Tor). I’ve never had any problems with dealing with top tier SPAAs in my Su-25BM.

i love they move the BMs Br down to 11.0
A Japanese F1 could face r73

That being said late Su-25s are terrible grinders with terrible speed and bad defensive capabilities for ARB. IRCM is cool but it won’t save you from guns or radar missiles. Same with R-73 - as long as they are good thanks to IRCCM and TVC they won’t help you much without HMS and when you have that heavy and slow flight model.

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In my opinion the WTD should get Aim 9L(I), to give it at least a slight edge, or move it back down to 10.7, then it might be worth it, but currently a waste of money

I doubt they will ever add that

they arent realy supposed to be grinders in the first place, they are supposed to be accesible CAS for players that dont necesarily want to grind a whole god damn air tree to get access to CAS. Most people just dont understand that fact

But Tornado is a pure grinder so why compare the 2 if you talk about 2 different purposes?

they will and have to, any germany plane will be either AIM9L or IRIS-T from now on, IRIS-T is to strong and if we only get AIM 9L for F4F ICE well GG, it will be even worse then it already would be

Yeah there’s no need for additional missile when AIM-9M can be used by all aircrafts capable of AIM-9L

its not a good grinder either, the lazur m, is better in that aspect as well, its in a great position with constant downtiers. The WTD shoould have been a CAS accesible plane as well

but would be unhistorical, germany never used any aim 9m, well neither did sweden…

No they just stick a 9M on and call it a day