Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Gaijin should add one more line for Chinese ground/air tree.

Air, yes, however ground is unnecessary.

It’s true Gripen C heavy airframe but Gripen C batch 3 or Gripen C (Early) better Gripen A because fitted PS-05/A Mk.3 radar and equipped Rafale Litening III targeting pod

It’s just that currently gaijin not change targeting pod to Litening III and PS-05A radar to PS-05/A Mk.3 radar for Gripen C from SAAF

I guess currently lack fighter aircraft from PLA Navy Air Force (PLANAF), lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT), early multirole fighter from PLA and attack helicopter from ROCA

I’m not so sure after Su-27S Flanker-B matbe Su-27SM or Su-27PU (Su-30 Basic) but not surpriced gaijin could add new Flanker with R-77

After J-11 it might be new Shenyang J-11 with BVRAAM RVV-AE and multirole fighter armed with dometic Air-to-Air Missile but gaijin give PL-12 on J-8F

The Cheetah C and D is multi-role fighters, the D is more of of a Multi role than the cheetah C.

I agree, especially when we consider that China may still see a future sub tree like Pakistan being added.
For air Pakistan May be a good way to also introduce a ‘Export’ line of Chinese jets for China.

What’s weird tho is that so far Gajjin has chosen to represent Chinas export vehicles as…Chinese, which the MBT-2000 being the most obvious example, as it’s not a specific foreign variant, but ‘Chinese’ tank

Speaking of possible additions, we have the PL-9 in the files which is essentially an export missle for China, and at one point F-8 textures were found in the files as well, which would offer a very neat version of the J-8 for China, maybe as a premium, with the ability to carry strong missles and even R-27’s depending on the variant


It was redesignated as Su-30. P stood for interceptor, U for two-seater. I’m all for Su-30, it can be treated for it’s roll-out the way the MiG-29 9.13 and MiG-29SMT were handled. Almost the same plane, just one has expanded A2G capacity, and a minor upgrade of the radar. It could go: Su-30 → Su-30KN or Su-30SM.

Su-30MKK for China at the same time, MKI for British (possibly), and MKM as a premium in the Ru tree for Western electronics and targeting pod that Russia just doesn’t really have much of still.

Su-30MKK “Blue 502” would be an iconic premium/event vehicle/squadron vehicle, as it was the demo Su-30MKK that convinced China to buy the MKK. Could stick it in either tree (or both with different names/skins).


What I’m really woundering is what Premium tanks they might throw at Russia and China. Both nations have plenty of options, but I’m assuming that whatever the devs chose, it will be more in line with what the US and UK have received. Germany and Sweden as well are in a similar boat.

If 11.3 is the goal, then we can use that to narrow it down a bit, so maybe a T-80U for both China and Russia as a possibility, with Russia Receiving the T-80U with Arena APS, and China getting a Pakistani T-80UD with T-84 transmission, or that one T-80 that china just so happens to of gotten at one point

Sweden will probably get a Nowegian 2A4 or CV90 im guessing 2A4 since we have a light tank and the Norwegian 1A5

Good ideas, however I believe it would be better if China got the pre-production prototype ZTZ 99G

I am partial still to a T-80U to the Chinese tree at some point.

Given gajjins track record of handing them out, I’m surprised China has yet to get one, for a squadron Vehicle or otherwise. My personal hope is for the T-80UD, as it would be both unique and justified if we got a dedicated Pakistani Sub tree. It’s hard to find any good info tho on the T-80U that china has in that pic tho

While I could probably go on for days, the P4 variant of the MBT-2000 would be a possible contender as it has a NATO 120 mounted although good luck finding any photo evidence of it

Would love to see the Cheetahs; they would be somewhat close to the Kfirs, just without the engine change.

By the time the Su-30 is added, the game will be ready for the Typhoon, and the Gripen can be given AMRAAMs, anyway, so a British Su-30 is unnecessary. On top of all this, also, there is the Tejas.

China has the ZTZ96B and Al Khalid II, which wouldn’t be too difficult since the bases of them are already in game.


There wasn’t any other way to represent it. Lots of nations used MBT-2000.

On top of that, regardless of the fact that it’s an export vehicle, it is still very much Chinese.
