Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Bring a plane thats 12.3 so that to get the premium bots have to be in a full up tier to join you

I feel like the biggest thing I learned in all of 2023 was to match BR’s within a .3 BR or less. I now have to do the opposite to have a decent game. Gaijoob pls help, fix this…

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Did USSR trial F-14?
Or did any of the USSR’s SSRs possess F-14?
Cause last I checked they didn’t.
F-14 is not and has never been “toxic”. I miss fighting them in my 10.3s cause F-14A was easy to kill with 10.3s.

Mig-31 is Russia’s “F-14” in Phoenix equivalent.
And Soviets always had F-14 equivalents in their tech tree.

And for the record: AIM-7E-2s, Skyflash, 530s, and R-24Rs forced people to the deck long before AIM-54, AIM-7F, and R-27ER.

They can get it via Iran as Iran used Russian missiles on it so there is a claim at least.
Which is more than what can be said for the Indian T-90.

M8 where have you been since Danger zone ?

The F-14 was dominating at least half a year before more capable aircraft came.


Iran was never a Soviet SR.
And Iran was an ally of opportunity of USA during that era.
The Indian T-90 is Indian, so the T-90 has far more going for it than Iran’s F-14.
Iran is not in War Thunder so the jet would go to USA by default.

The F-14 dominated against players slow on the pickup, that’s it.
F-14 was always easy to deal with if you had plenty of practice against higher Phantoms.
You just couldn’t going into an unplanned dogfight against F-14A nor Mig-23MLD as their dogfight performance was rather good, and equal to each other.

I never claimed it was


India isn’t in game so does that mean the T-90 should of gone to Russia by that logic.

Just because it’s a US tech means nothing nowadays otherwise Part of Finland and Hungary sub tree would of gone to the USSR as you know in game Russia isn’t called Russia it’s the USSR.

I repeat The Iranian F-14 used Russian tech


I would actually enjoy flying the MiG-29M2 honestly, SMT is ok but definitely feel is age compared to some other aircraft like the Flanker, but the proper multi-role MiG-29M2 and eventually MiG-35 is definitely something I may enjoy flying over the larger Flankers.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Russia is probably due a sub-nation and there isnt many options on that front anymore after a certain, conflict. Iran or North Korea are the most likely 2. North Korea could just as easily end up with China, so Iran is a fairly safe bet. That would mean Iranian F-14s to the USSR tech tree. As they use Soviet weapons and not American weapons, it would fit the TT reasonably well .

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When was the last time we got the BR change plan? it seems we need another one especially for top-tier BR extend

India is in-game, and Gaijin made the announcement that Indian vehicles are going to Britain [at this time] long before T-90S was added, not as a sub-tree though; and while future plans can change there’s no indication that they will.
So no, by Gaijin’s logic [not mine] it goes to Britain.
Just as Iranian F-14As go to USA cause Iran isn’t in-game.

It’s irrelevant what weapons F-14 uses due to the BR system.

They already have one, it’s called the Russian Federation.
Soviets will never have non-Soviet sub-trees.

When and where?

Am I the only one dreading this next update? like…
If they add AMRAAMs and do nothing with the BR’s this will be a collosal nightmare and be genuinely unplayable.

Just nah

On their official website and forums, well over half a year ago.

“First and foremost, we’d like to let you know the reasons as to why we’re going to be adding this vehicle to the British tree. Britain’s top-tier MBTs are generally niche and are typically geared towards methodical combat engagements. Because of this, additional export MBTs and other vehicles that have ties to some Commonwealth nations will allow for more options and new approaches to Britain’s gameplay. We’d like to note that we are continuing to work on filling the British ground forces tree, which will include various armored, infantry fighting vehicles, and light tanks. These are planned for the future.”

After T-90MS got added Gaijin stated that Britain won’t be a commonwealth tree, which implies that the Indian location in Britain isn’t set in stone


M8 like really ?

People can like post you know just because they liked something you disagree with doesn’t mean they are Russian fans.


This was answered by Smin a while ago. Commonwealth is the official “Gap filler” for all applicable nations.
Britian has alot of gaps so naturally has a lot of CW.
But America can get it too and any other nations where it would fit.

Err- no.

All that said is that they will use the commonwealth to fill wholes not be the tree…

“First and foremost, we’d like to let you know the reasons as to why we’re going to be adding this vehicle to the British tree. Britain’s top-tier MBTs are generally niche and are typically geared towards methodical combat engagements. Because of this, additional export MBTs and other vehicles that have ties to some Commonwealth nations will allow for more options and new approaches to Britain’s gameplay. We’d like to note that we are continuing to work on filling the British ground forces tree, which will include various armored, infantry fighting vehicles, and light tanks. These are planned for the future.”

From the post.

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Indian Mig-29K come on boys lol