Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

When the F/A18 comes what would the Russian equal be cause their will always be one
Mig29k but i think thats too advanced
maybe one of the naval flankers

it realy wasnt ground focused, only a side thing. Hell it is called air superiority


Considering all it did was make the grind worse I feel like it was the least notable thing of the update.

Su-33 initally had no access to R-77, so thats not a too far off idea

yeah that one seems the better equivalent as the mig29k are what they use they

Would be nice to finally see a 7.0 British battleship, or better even something higher… Like fuck it I’ll take the King George V 1938 at this point.

I don’t think anyone is willing to play mig29s after playing the su27. And i doubt they will ever fix it

i am
fix what
Mig29k has alot of upgrades im pretty sure it gets FBW

My condolences.

I had a fight against a german mig29 (lightest 29) recently. I was playing an f15 that was at ~20 minutes of fuel, had a full load of 8 missiles AND a full load of napalm on top. All that and the poor thing couldn’t keep up. This is what it’s like

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i am the mad man who grinded the su27 just to grind the smt easier

Maybe the mig29k will be better but we will see when they add it

I would agree with you on this,

Yea Top tier tanks are pretty much over other than IFV and more SPAA with a few more sub variants. But that is just it if gaijin wanted too they could really stretch these out in a space of like 2 years.
So the game wouldn’t feel dead.

Agree again I mean we are going to see this at least this before summer because of AMRAAMS.
But even then some nations will kinda end with the Typhoon.

Keek Subs will bring a few players back short term but yea btw what is Naval lol.

There are still some superior products remaining such as T-14 and KF-51, as well as some further upgraded variants of older generation tanks. I’d say there’s still room for expansion to last another year or two if expansion isn’t pursued too rapidly, perhaps even more.

War Thunder will need to spend a few updates with “Modern” on the back burner.

Eventually, people will need to realize if you want interesting it’s WW2 and the early Cold War 50-60s (but more so on the 50s) that have all the stuff. Most nations were still running high from WW2 and their industry too.


Really want to see KGV gorgeous ship

Would certainly love to see her, plus all of the British superdreadnoughts. KGV, Vanguard (although I hate her design), G3, Lion’s too.

I get “fuel racked” about 5x more often than ammo racked. Quite frustrating, lol.

I didn’t want to say this, but I actually struggle more against 2A4’s more than any other premium Rank VII tank in the game. Maybe it’s the camo net, or the turret cheeks being, well, cheeky sometimes. I know I like to go lower right hull all the time to get the ammo, just like I do during Ground Assault Arcade, and I almost never catch anyone with ammo in the hull.

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For me it’s mostly the turret geometry on the T-90M. A T-90A with a 90M turret, and maybe an upgrade to get the Relikt skirts that are stock to the 90M would be really cool.

Your wish is half complete.
2010 T-90M prototype.


The next time I get an exclusive 11.7 match (never) I’ll let you know. I’m frankly confused as to how I get into matches right now, and half the default tanks spawning for my team are TURMS, Leo PzBtl.123, and KVT’s.

Guarantee this will be on a shortlist for potential Premium Rank VIII tanks, lol.