Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Again Russia doesn’t need 5 nations as sub trees it would make more sense to add Poland then the member as fillers


no it makes no sense to add it to any of those nations as it would mostly be copypaste it should rather be as event/squadron vechicles

I do not want this. I’ve heard enough deranged babbling about Winged Hussars. I won’t tolerate anything that encourages Polish nationalism.

As if C&P is a reason nowaday to not add a nation.

Looks at China, Israel, Hungary & Finland : )

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Poland has more than enough potential to stand on it’s own, especially when another nation is included alongside it.
Calling it copy paste is disingenuous


I’m sorry but Poland has modern things too look at this(Give me it. I need Sic-FI tank):

Also, Poland wouldn’t be the Warsaw Pact tree just a home for the nation that were under the Soviet boat that wasn’t part of the USSR as they all have plenty of domestic things and modifications.

K2PL also. : D

It is a CV90120.
Clearly you lack the knowledge regarding even your own vehicles, so I don’t trust you in your judgement of the nation’s potential in game xd


Literally less real than 2S38. But nobody would complain about that.

ngl that made me laugh abit lol


They’re both very real vehicles.
One is a functioning prototype and the other is a CV90120 with cardboard on it and a fancy name


So it’s still paper then kind of hehe


You wouldn’t even be wrong and that upsets me

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its a concept, did it even have the capability to drive or fire yet?

It’s just a CV90120

This is your brain on NATO.

Deranged raving in here

This is actually the type of citation some NATO mains use and expect immediate buffs for their tanks to fantasy levels.

They then get mad when Gaijin asks for normal evidence, the type used for any and all nations in game.

I found GIFs of it driving on Discord. unsure about gun.


eh its different, if it works it is advertised with an unmanned turret, thats an advantage it can use

Well, the shown vehicle I meant, but ig if we go to the concept in it’s fullest ideal then aye, definitely not functional

thats the problem, to few is known to actualy say what was already implemented