Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

If you can keep a 1.0 K/D, especially in an Ariete, you’re doing just fine.

I’m not saying I know the pain of the Ariete, my T-90M is a great tank, however I’m still semi stock, so the struggle is real.

Most loses are going something like this: reduced mobility is a death sentence when half your team is back to the hangar, so you have no cover or distraction to get to a forward fighting position. You end up in your spawn, finding something that’s only somewhat defensible, but with a sight line that will maybe give you a leg up if someone actually comes your way. You creep your turret over little ridges or around a building or two. You see a Leo 2A5PL/2A6/2A7V/Strv 122/122+, fire a round where it used to pen just last patch, and * bounce *, reload, aim elsewhere, kill two crew, no spall, liner is gone. Peek out for third shot, bam, some other dude flanks you because half your team is gone. Once I get 3BM60, I know this won’t be such a big deal, but right now it’s a struggle, 3BM42 just aint great for most of the situations you’ll find yourself in against Leo 2’s of all flavors. It’s really fun /s

Okay, I wouldn’t say problems, per se, it’s more like an auto-loading 57mm =/= 125mm APFSDS. At 10.0 I can take certain positions in my T-64B/T-72B/72B(89) that I can’t take in the 2S38. I also don’t have IRST to lock planes/helicopters, the traverse/elevation to hit them, or the proxy rounds to blow them up.

tl;dr armor is weaker, armament is better suited as a utility role, not a main gun.

I know dataproject is inaccurate but it is nevertheless surprising that the AMV, alongside with the merkava 4M and TKX/Type 10 are the four 11.7 MBTs with the highest KP/KD.


t90m when it isnt the game breaking nation destroying world shattering universe ending tank us whiners made it out to be when t80bvm came out


Turret armor is EXTREMELY strong. I have shrugged off a lot of BS with it. If people don’t aim between the plates of ERA on the skirts, I absorb most first frontal shots. The tank is still good in some respects, but impossible to solo with. It needs a team to succeed.

You don’t understand. Soviet tanks must be made from paper, History Channel said so.

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I’m expecting an STC-1 for Japan. Can’t say anything for the rest.

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Only 2 weeks to devblogs!

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It’s closer to 2 months, but okay.

Battlepass in two weeks

Isn’t it more like 4-6 weeks?



oh… right.


mindblowing! who would’ve thought!


why should poland get entire of the warsaw pact it would become mostly ussr copypaste like the other suggestion of ukraine …

Why not huh Russian doesn’t need a sub tree


and warsaw pact inside polish tree makes no sense whats so ever

I can’t believe this. No way. Who could have guessed…

M8 the clue is in the name, don’t tell me you don’t know where Warsaw is lol
Russia doesn’t need all of these nations they can hold up by them self’s


and the name does not matter as it was under soviet leadership not warsaw(capital city of my own country)

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it would only be more copypaste of soviet vechicles starting from ww2 and ending at toptier with obsolete pt-91