Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I have no idea why do you keep calling it “demanding” when it’s clearly not the case in these comments. Like since when speculating about possible additions is straight up asking for them to be in the game?

you haven’t seen the size of the swiss ground tree have you

show me its top tier line up which doesnt exist

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It’s the “lacking top tier but it’s only for ground and nothing else but I’m gonna ignore that” issue


jesus christ remind me to never speak to you again


its a fact easy as that, top tier is the money maker, gajin wont add anything if it is not able to produce money now and in the future

I can assure you I don’t agree with that either, Russia gets numerous object tanks whilst the UK and France don’t even have IFV’s, Germany doesn’t have correct armour packages etc.

I agree, as I said similar to South Africa in Britain’s air tree with a few desperately needed gap-fills like the Hunter for CAS and the F-18 for a top tier fighter stopgap.

I’d rather that than the EF get rushed added wrong and gimped as all hell or Germany getting nothing for years like the UK did, or Germany getting vehicles they only tested.
(eg the UK desperately needs a fighter between 8.7 and 12.3 that can actually fight).

Need FOX 3 because FOX 3 balanc overpower R-73

How are they making money off me ?

israel has unique MBTs and not much else, which is the money maker according to you
tell me how popular israel is?


exceptions prove the rule, of course they are those that play f2p or only lower tiers, but those that spend money do it for top tier

I don’t see why, it fills a gap in the future air-tree which wouldn’t otherwise be filled whilst causing minimal drama because Germany already has Swiss aircraft. Yes Smin said the Swiss Hunter was a one-off but they also said the AJ was a one-off, so how do you propose the gap is filled because I can assure you, they aren’t gonna be left with nothing like Britain was.

If things such as the VIDAR and Turms III show something, and they do, it’s that top tier isn’t necessarily the single driving factor for a tree.

They are sufficiently interesting and potent vehicles that they have practically been bought in bulk, who is to say that people wouldn’t pre-order some Pz.61 variant like they did the Strv-103-0?


nicely said it has a unique top tier, with lights yet to be added, thats why it can be popular enough to sustain itself, which isnt the case for switzerland. Besides that shouldnt you be happy, if germany gets an air addition from switzerland i would leave netherlands alone for your weird benelux tree, which is a better tree option then switz

I do think the overall quality of a tree including having good vehicles frequently is a driving factor, top tier is of course important but equally having good stuff everywhere makes a tree good.

There are plenty of Swiss tree fans, so drama is quite possible. People were far from happy with the FK.58 being added to Germany…

And what’s more is you’re asking for a whole sub-tree to plug a single gap. Seriously?

Not that Germany even has the physical space for another line in their tree…

Enter independent Switzerland:


tell me again where the place was for the grippen in the british tree. the F/A 18 from switzerland would just be put behind the f4f

While I do enjoy unique vehicles at all BRs I have to point out that those two were pretty undertiered, and still are to some extent.

People have different motivations to buy a vehicle, and it might simply be due to their outstanding performance in game.

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doubt it