Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


< Germany
< Big 3



We are coping so this new fighter we got doesn’t get immediately power crept out existence

its okay youll just get the Britain experience for a few patches, see it as a bit of karma for getting the Hunter when it imo shouldve been in the UK tree as a squad vic

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Just because you’ve had some questionable negative decisions recently does not make Germany not a big 3 nation. Its still a very good and very large tree and even the gimped 2A7V is better than a lot of what everyone else has.


Coping mostly. I’d put money on Germany getting an F-18.

It was denied for there last update.

We know AMRAAMS are coming ether in this or next update.
and they will need a new shiny toy for it, US and Russia already got there so it’s will be Germany time tthis time as it’'s good for marketing if they add the Typhoon at lest a limited one.

Like how most were putting money on the UK getting a CF-18? :p

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wont happen, its denied for a long time

first amraam addition for germany gonna be F4f ice… which is DOA, the update after gajin gonna say germany just received a plane and so on


just add a tranche 1 EF with 9Ls and Aim120a, ez

there was nothing denied “for a long time”

pls, give us at least aim 9l(I) TT

Difference is Germany has much more players and much more money, it would be in Gaijins financial interests to fix the SRAAM’s and Redtops yet they don’t because British players dont spend as much. Financially its much more in Gaijins interest that Germany has its little problem of a new top tier solved.

They denied Eurofighter pretty thoroughly in the UK forumns when people were asking it pre Air superiority in any form possible even with incredibly gimped weapon sets (ie just IR missiles or what we got with gripen with 9L/9M and Skyflash)


9L/i would be funny, or 9L/i-1

To be fair, I think it’s still the third most played country.

So, in the real world, it’s definitely a minor nation, but in game, an argument could be made that it’s one of the big tech trees.

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EF has never used a standard AIM-9L, only ever the L(i) or ASRAAM AFAIK then later it got IRIS-T.

im aware, i was just too lazy to type it out

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Huh? Me?

Sweden is also pretty big and single vehicle won’t make it one of the major nations. Personally I only consider the Big 2 currently (USA, USSR) since both get their shiny new toys every update while Germany is ofter left behind with their additons.

Sure you got the 2A7V this update but just remember other additions such as MiG-29 9.12, MiG-29G, Leopard 2 PSO which were added much later than they should. These couple I just listed are pretty recent but I’m sure you remember how they handled the introduction of F-4 and MiG-23 back then.