Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

my point, all aircraft that germany tested are realer then it, thats why i call it pandoras box, it opened up a plethora of possible things that can be argued

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I’m not very familiar with the mods, just that they were there

Japan should just get a sub-tree already so we don’t have to continue stuffing them with trialed vehicles and now paper/fake vehicles…

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Never said it was. I called it their very own F-16 for a reason

Yeah the thing is they modelled it and it worked

The SuperHornet Growlers that never materialized?

At this point the ICE should get IRIS-T for the absolute brick of an airframe it is, facing the F-15/16, the Griphen, the Flankers and Fulcrums

honestly, wouldnt even be to bad, yes the missle itself is strong, but considering the ICE doesnt have HMD it wouldnt do many shenanigans and would be hugely nerfed

Aim120B take it or leave it
Also take 9L no (i) as clearly not real

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Still outranged by the 27ER RIP

would have needed to say Aim 9L in this case xD

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This is a real F-4F moment

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imagine… a F-4F with Aim-9L this would be so OP…

I’d rather them not take from non-in-game nations and stick to more unique/gimmicky vehicles from nations that have a tree.

Things like the Churchill Crocodile over things like the Cent Mk 2 or the Aussie Cent.

Basically, things that don’t really fit as a tech-tree vehicle(Like you aren’t missing anything without the Croc) over ones that should be(Cent Mk 2) or take away from future trees(yes I know the Aussie Cent is not the best example but it’s the first one that came to mind.)


Would easily beat F15 and Su27

according to Gaijin, yea… somehow…

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Fair take, though I thing that things from nations that are quite obviously attached to something else can be added, especially when no tree is available.
Pulqui II for Germany as an example

Is that in the book? I know they were looking for an F-4 replacement, but was this part of that?

Agreed, Gaijin has unfortunately opened up many “Pandora’s boxes” throughout the past, but at this point it’s clear that, as much as they might try to suggest there’s some logic or some certain criteria that should be met before adding a vehicle, it’s clear that ultimately they will add whatever they want to, and find the justification later.

The F-16AJ was bad, but it wasn’t as bad as the helicopters they gave to Sweden, or the mistakes they were making when the game wasn’t going to progress beyond the Korean War, by adding purely experimental or paper vehicles. The F-16AJ was another terrible addition, mainly because this along with the Swedish choppers and British T-90 have meant that basically now, people can wishlist for whatever they want with the flimsiest of reasons.

That being said, I’ve always been a proponent of there being gaps in tech trees if there were gaps in real life, so I won’t ever support adding vehicles without clear and meaningful connections and to the nation in which they’re being added.

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I mean is it even a question at this point? Tornado F.3 is obviously on par with F-16 so why ICE would be different?