Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Some good points but if you lose track of a Harrier and you still have your speed, just extend.

Regarding the first video. Sure that looks great but a MiG-29 should, I do not know how it is in SB, but it should be able to follow you through that and shoot you down before it stalls.

If two pilots of equal capability face each other, one in a MiG-29, the other in a Harrier, Harrier should objectively lose every single time regarding to BFM.

The second video is just a Montage…

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Well… One is an 11.7 that should probably have gone to 11.3 instead of getting Aim-9Ms and the other is a 12.3. So… It shouldnt be a fair fight.

FA2 will likely be 12.3 due to AMRAAM, but it should operate more like a BVR truck and have a totally unmatched radar. AV-8B+ with AMRAAM will likely still hold a notable BVR advantage vs Mig-29s at hte same BR.

Yeah, it is entirely pilot skill dependent, had an Su-39 make me work like hell for a gun kill in the Tornado F3 the other day, im sure those same tactics employed by that Su-39 would have gotten an R-73 kill if I hadnt been on the ball with airbrakes and throttle management.

But still, my experience, 95% of players are never ready for a Gr7, at least in SB. Though the lack of radar in the Gr7 makes VID a pain in the butt and you have to keep a continious look out, though you do have a very good RWR as well. I do hope in the future though we get our MAWS

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Fair but the average gen 3 fighter should slap you just as hard.
Always depends of coruse when which aircraft entered service. Sea Harrier is from 1978, Harrier II from 1989. Compared to aircraft from around it’S time it has no chance.

One of the airframes that will either be op due to missiles or suffer due to BR.

Yeah, Though I have slapped a fair share of Viggens in the Harrier Gr1 with its SRAAM back when they were essentially the same BR in SB.

Sea Harrier FA2 was 1992/1993

But still, never under-estimate some well placed VIFFs. its why im looking forward to the FA2. In a conventional fight, you wouldnt stand a chance, but with the ability to vector your thrust, you can get a real advantage over enemy aircraft.

You might want to give YAK-141 a go.

Bugger grinding an entire tree for that thing. If I grind another tree, might be France.

Though this would be really fun if Britain can get a Prototpye aircraft.

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Oh dear.

oh yes … that series …


Su25Ts and other high tier attackers as well. This will make sure their cas abilities are well represented despite hindered by A2G.

Yeah, it opens the door massively for a lot of aircraft that might have been previously omitted due to Air vs Ground in-balances and is going to be a huge buff for those already in the game. Thats gunna be one hell of a BR post in June

Tornado Gr4 now has potential to come sooner rather than later for example, as it wouldnt be dependent on ASRAAM to be viable in ARB.

A bomber Variant of Mosquittos as well.

This change and the seperation of CMs might actually be the best and most impactful changes they have done since they started the roadmaps

I am anxious about what this means for the A-10s.

I reckon 0.3 lower in GRB but 0.3 higher in ARB.

I’m thinking that, because it’s slower than some WW2 era fighters, Gaijin will do a standard Gaijin thing and move it down for air.

I reckon it might even move up in air, due to 9Ls and CM load. I think the A-10s could be comfortable about 10.7. But in ground move down due to more limited guided payload

Jusy to be clear, It is NOT a prototype aircraft, we dont even have enough info on whether its construction was started and the suggestion mods dont currently view the evidence I gave to them sufficient, hence why it is in machinery of war discussion untill i can prove otherwise

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Would still be awesome to see these “proposed” aircraft actually fly and fight against those it would have done IRL. I think that is something im excited for in the future. Seeing how planned/proposed aircraft would have actually faired.

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Yeah, in terms of realism it is almost as close to real life as a non-built vehicle can get, its just because it was cancelled only in the late 80s/early 90s that most of the info is still classified, although i do have a couple of enquiries with BAE and the authour of the book on it regarding its construction

Its just the stars aligning to make it just out of the bounds for the game right now, as its engine although it was built was also designed for several other designs, and its tail assembly was not built for an airframe but rather to test the production methods and the structural integrity of the airframe at full afterburner.

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Yeah, I see these aircraft coming in a few years. There will some day be a “max” BR, a point where they cant add anything else and at that point, either WT ends or they go back and add these highly unique proposed/prototype aircraft. maybe on that day we can also see aircraft like the BAE EAP as well among many others

Wouldn’t Max BR just be things in service and the prototypes for things replace them? (after major BR decompression of course)

WT technically doesn’t have a shortage of vehicles just 90% of those are locked behind nations without a home(aka tech-tree or sub-tree). but that circles back to needing more nations and how more tech trees are good for the game.

Even for nations in the game, so many variants of vehicles or vehicles that nations used are missing.
But that circles back to the fact that 90% of the unique stuff cones from WW2 and the 50s.

I personally think these semi-real aircraft should have been the way to go, it would allow gaijin to avoid the full paper World of ___ style vehicles but would also keep allowing for a large ampunt of uniqueness and competition at higher teirs

Dont get me wrong, I love the F-16, Mig 29, Gripen, F-15 and F/A-18 as much as the next person, but I dont like the idea of tip teir being the same 5 aircraft fighting each other constantly

And if people really want 1:1 realism then DCS is probably a far better option than spending half your life grinding out war thunder

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