Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Like I said we still have a lot of real stuff missing it’s just in the past. even just for the nations in-game 500+ if you count all the variants of the vehicles.

Plus we have the nation that could get at tree have at least 100+. and the possible sub-tree nations often have 50+ when I went looking.

This does come down too soon or later people we need to realize Top Tier isn’t everything and most of the “unique stuff” is in the lower tiers. As the top tier slowly becomes the same for all allied nations.

like I’m sure we could make 1-2 more ranks with missing WW2 stuff.
and the 50’s they need at least 3 ranks. compared to the what? less than one they have?

You missed a few

Hawk 100 (Early) 10.3/7
Hawk 100 (late) at least 13.0 if it gets ASRAAM and Brimstone
Hawk 200 (early) 10.7/11.0
Hawk 200 at least 13.0
Hawk 200 (Night attack) 10.3
Typhoon IPA series and DA.4
Jaguar GR.3
And several South african aircraft including the Cheetahs

Hell you could even throw in the Nimrod MRA.4 if you wanted a Civilian airliner with 8 ASRAAMs

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I was thinking more 12+ and Britain only. As in end of line stuff. did forget about the Hawks, though I doubt they will get end-game weapons though like ASRAAM

The weaponized airliners have become my favourite aircrafts.

And is one of the aircrafts I’ve tried to sell you guys on.

I mean both the Hawk 100 and 200 can get ASRAAM and in the 200s case it can get AMRAAM/ Active Skyflash as well

And the Jag gr.3 would be minimum 13.0 if given ASRAAMs i would expect

get that away from me

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Im actually expecting Jag GR3 at 11.0 with Aim-9Ls. Yeah it could get ASRAAM, but I just dont think its worth it. Especially with aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 potentially better suited for that same BR with ASRAAM as well.

A better option would just be a Jag Gr.1A (late) restricting the GR.3 to just 11.0 almost throws out the whole point of it being the best jaguar especially limiting it to being a slightly better GR.1A when one of the main reasons for the upgrade was ASRAAM intoduction

Yeah, could do it. Just a tricky question of BR placements thats all. Whether a Gr3A would even be playable at 12.7/13.0 even with 2x ASRAAM. Its still a Jaguar

I would say 12.7 - 13.0 would be fair, its in the same issue as the standard GR.1, any lower than 9.7 and its AIM-9Gs murder subsonic, flareless aircraft, but any higher and it gets slaughtered by all aspect undodgable missiles due to not having flares

Plus the Tornado GR.4 would be way better than the jag if it gets brimstone

Yep, kinda my thinking, though with split Air and Ground BRs. The Gr4 could be at 13.0 for GRB with Brimstones and 11.7 in ARB with 9Ls and it wouldnt matter as much. Though Id hope for ASRAAM for it, Kinda expect it to be the first due to obvious limitations.

But yeah, we’ll see about the jag Gr3. Im half expecting it as a premium 11/11.3 to match aircraft like the WTD61 and Su-39.

We could just as easily get an Omani, Ecuadorian or Indian Jaguar for that, hell india even has a jaguar with the AGAVE radar that would make a nice premium

There is also the Sea Harrier FRS.51 which got some pretty good missiles

Just to double check, are we sure that Hungary has no leopard variants to offer for a tier 7 premium? It is more than weird to think the L2A4TR is going to be Italian, at least to me.
Imo the order is more likely to be ariete variant-cenaturo variant-Hungarian vehicles as of premium tanks.

Yeah, or Saudi Tornado Gr1s. Plenty of options, but just doesnt make sense why we havent seen later Jags unless they were saving them for Premiums

We havent seen premiums that are 10.3 besides the A-6E, and thats the initial bunch. F-5C was moved up so it doesnt count. The F-4 JUNK is rather underwhelming but everyone just carries bomb and grinds that way, so its still relatively popular.
For a tier 7 I would say something like the cheetah.

Maybe only some C&P with camo net, though imo it’s better be Ariete as premium for Italy, so Gaijin actually gets motivated to fix its armor.

Im more hoping for something like the Buc S2B or another subvariant of the Buc. Would be a good match for something like the A-6E. 2x Aim-9L and some guided bombs/missiles

But yeah, Britain is rather desperate for some good 10-11.3 premium aircraft.

Also it is 11.3. It seems like that gaijin is reluctant to add premiums below the br of the first batch of the same rank(ie, 10.3 in the case of a Hungarian 2A4), which makes more sense because more player wanted to go straight to top tier.
The other reason I just straight up disagree is that gaijin probably wont divert effort to a new model since there are only so few grinding Italy. The delays in Hungarian air subtree may also hint that gaijin is focusing on something major, and in my guesses, Turkey.

What about Romania?

If Gaijin is still following all minor axis goes to Italy could be a Romanian vehicle

Tho that statement is heavy on the “IF”

F-111K, I suppose, although it is just as silly as F-20. A decent amount of people still took the budget method, buying the wyvern pack and using the GE combined with some extra to talisman the sea harrier. Others used the JUNK. So for gaijin, they will probably see the JUNK as not unpopular enough for another premium since most people who spent money on the TT either gets a wyvern or the JUNK.