Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

We can have a Brazilian B2 as premium and the domestic B2 at 11.7

One thing I learnt is that the Brazilian one does not have an autoloader, strangely enough. And NORINCO apparantly didnt know that, so they slapped a VT5 turret on a ZLT11(yes that ass wheeled TD in game) and was promptly turned down. Well the B2 are better in other aspects as well, speed, STANAG 6 protections etc but thats some weird fact I learnt from the LATAM discord.

T-90S isn’t exactly right but I completely don’t get your Sweden and Japan arguments

Brazilian one has 105mm iirc

Italy in general needs love. Navy and coastal lacks many iconic ships and classes. Bomber section is pathetic and probably the worst in any nation.

Say 20 people buys that(but due to how notorious the arietes are in terms of reputation I doubt even 20 will buy them), Italy top tier playerbase is doubled, and the WR goes down the drain because new players cannot stop having their ass kicked in the tank.
This would make gaijin learn that well, arietes are very ass.

If even Chineses have a saying about our stuff in WT we are lost xD

105mm manual loaded, the failed proposals, the LAV-700 and ST-1BR from Canada and China are also 105mm, the latter has an autoloader.
I did suggest this to the LATAM discord and they did say it is unneccessary. Well I respect their choices, and I think it will find a better place in China.

In all fairness that saying is older than the French tech tree or the entire game, it was back in the days when the char 25T was stupidly op in world of tanks.

At least they have something that looks like a navy, with coastal and big boys at the end… x)

Wasn’t December a “Major update”? Aren’t there usually two major updates a year? Summer and Winter?

3major/year afaik


March: a selection of vehicles, one or two top tier or end of line
May: similar to march, but with more focus to higher tiers
One tree/subtree between March and May,
September: focus on mechanics, lesser authentic vehicles, battlepass
November: focus on BR fillers
One tree/subtree between September and November,
December/XMAS: focus on top tier, new generations and making France and Italy bad

It is natural to save up more content for May and December since thats when summer and XMAS holidays takes place.

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husaaaaa, its not chinese exclusive


Yeah QE and R class are only slightly worse than the Sachsen and they could always give us HMS Howe or something from the laid Admiral Class BC’s.

I honestly think the KGV class could be balanced vs Scharnhorst rn.

Good, I dont need another 800 GBP ticket back to China.

I never did I am broke

Oh? The decal isn’t where do I get it?

redeem code

Miraz05 said he has been restricted to Chinese IP addresses

It’s also going to be big as hell, have you seen the hump they put on that thing? I’d imagine it’s going to be hard to hide.

Also I think it’s going to be slower than the BVM, doesn’t it have a 6TD? Plus Nohz weighs a lot.

Also who’s getting the Oplot? Thailand in someone else’s tree?

redeemed it normaly worked just fine