You know they were working on it long before 2003
Hmm. That is a good point about Germany.
I don’t think UK needs to get screwed over, especially over creating a BR gap that can be filled later. Whatever is necessary to give Fox 3s to everyone. Unless, of course, Fox 3 update is June, then Sweden will get their Gripen C but still no Fox 3s since nobody have gotten them yet. This would give time for Gaijin to add other planes to fill the gap once they get moved up.
The Typhoon DA2 that many are asking for as the first Typhoon was 1994
UK can have other fox 3 carriers like tornado variants or sea harrier
Its not like the gripen is their only option
Which will be behind everyone else’s like Germany
I don’t disagree there, but only if Sweden doesn’t get Fox 3 on their Gripen. If Sweden gets Fox 3 on Gripen C, then UK will too at the same time since it’s the same aircraft.
That doesn’t fix them being stuck with the Phantom from 1973 until 2003. End of the day Hornet radar, 4 AMRAAM and 4 AIM-9Li on a Phantom will be a passable solution.
They also have the Gripen A.
50/50 chance they keep the SAAF Gripen C as an equal to the Swedish Gripen A and not the Swedish Gripen C (as they have done so far)
that has nothing to do with each other lol, that doesnt mean they will get the same things. You say that like every typhoon would get the same missles as well, when each nation uses different ones
Sweden will get fox 3 on their Gripen C as the Gripen A they have is functionaly a C without AMRAAMS so AMRAAMS would be the only difference they could make
I sure hope so! I am looking for the forward to a 12.3 Mig-21!!!
If you have to have the most cutting edge airframes at all times may I refer you to the US tech tree, or perhaps it’s closely related but slightly different and occasionally better companions Japan and Israel.
Not even counting the fact that the weaponry is slightly different (the ZA one has AGM-65Bs, for example, as opposed to the SW one having AGM-65As).
Well it would have the same missiles if they don’t want to bring thr next generation of ir missiles
Shall I remind you that the US got the 12.3 F-16C 3 months before Sweden or Britain got anything higher than an 11.3
Technically Sweden had an 11.7, however your point still stands.
depends as well germany could have aim 9l(i). UK never had those or aim9m right?
So did Britain but gr7 doesn’t really count