Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Give me that TTD armed with 140mm, as well as rooikat ingwe+ZA-HVM
That 120mm rooikat from ARMA3 please.

Which isn’t present in the game, is it?

And just as well there is a difference between “hull armor would be at least on pair with 2A7V” and “Leopard 2SG (basically a better Leopard 2A7V)”

I’ve spent a lot of time looking into the R-27EA and the problem I keep running into is that there is no concrete evidence that it was ever actually manufactured, and all pics claiming to be the EA seem to just be mock ups/training missiles.

That being said, the R-27EA should just be an ER with an R-77 seeker, which might be better than the base R-77 as it should have better range

yeah and armor wise that ones just plane wrong thats my point

because gajin does gajin stuff, russia gets mods that upgrade their tank armor, but other nations arent allowed the same

How so? New internal armor + UPF composite. That’s literally what you have in your 2A7V or Strv 122

again u said better, its not better then a 2a7v, when similar, there is a massive difference

Besides that there is no source for new internal armor 'Leopard 2 SG: Punching Above It's Weight

Literaly says, the SG is old german leopards, which then 2010 got the add on armor kits. No mention of internal armor upgrades

So its worse armor all around

I feel like Thailand would make more since as a sub tree of China rather than Japan, especially looking at some of its top vehicle the VT-4 and T-84M. Thailand uses multiple Chinese vehicles from MBT’s to IFV’s and China has in the past used Ukraine military tech to bolster it’s forces(the MBT-2000 uses T-84 engine and transmission, and the Su-33 prototype from Ukraine). While it would help Japan fill gaps, I feel that tiger nations would be better for this.

Did not know about those, thanks!

not realy, china essentialy already has a subtree and gets vehicles from 2 different places


gonna laugh at the day china gets their abrams

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A subtree for China could potentially be themselves, but in the form of export vehicles. Higher BR for better software, and vehicles that are very interesting like the CSAA5 and others.
Alternatively Pakistan, an ally of China.


Vickers MK7 is properly the most unique

It was passed to devs so we’ll ever see if they treat the left most MBT line as the “Foreign tank line” and add it after the LCT

When Mainlanders meet Taiwanese players in other games its usually political arguments.
In warthunder be like: hey could you let Taipei hurry up its abrams programme the tank just got buffed

ehh its a leo in the furthest sense

all that’s different is the turret and gun

Also a leopard that fights panthers?

same can be said for the KF51

Challenger 3 is just challenger 2 with a different turret and armour but that’s still challenger

The Taiwan line is interesting, although it really hasn’t received that much attention as of late, even when China was getting power creeped and Taiwan offered simple solutions like a later F-16. So I’m not really sure what gajjins plans are for the future of Taiwanese tech.

Other than that the only two other nations I assume you could be talking about are Pakistan and North Korean, although neither of these have been solidified as actual sub trees yet, with Pakistan offering the best chance.

I guess we’ll have to see in the future as China is still on 4 lines wide for both it’s air and ground tree, which would make adding a dedicated sub tree easy for Gajjin

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