Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Also, I don’t see that missile having 25km range from a standstill, it’s probably closer to 12-15km range.

Maybe it is a ASRAAM

it is.

If you check online sources, it’s using air launched range.

Less then pantsir but still better then the stomer

Nope, 25 is correct, 50 is the air range, and 25 is the same as base CAMM, so it is correct.

W/ static systems like the S-75M in the files, it 's more likely that the addition of anti-radiation missiles will be totally independent of player vehicles. More of an Air RB/SB thing really.

They’ve already talked abt how the low effectiveness of ARM 's against the kinds of vehicles viable to be player SPAA was why they had not been adding these weapons before ( [QA] Answers from the developers - News - War Thunder / [Development] Dev team replies to community feedback on the Sky Guardians update - News - War Thunder ), so these non-mobile, AI-controlled missile complexes are likely their workaround to bring ARM gameplay into WT despite not being useful in a player v. player context.

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They wont add a nation for each tank variant that exists… be realistic
At this point I dont care which nation is added, I just want one nation in which they could add tanks from the nations of the warsaw pact, otherwise, all of them will go to Russia

You’re missing the point that Yugoslavia and it’s successor states have more than just the point of discussion that was the M-55S

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they did not get it because gaijin determined the difference not worth creating a new model/ variant. stop you rage boner for anything that isn’t Germany and stop with the off topic, this isn’t the first time you have derailed a thread for your personal vendetta. you are acting like a child and no one is impressed.

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There’s just one slight problem…
Yugoslavia wasn’t really part of Warsaw pact.

Yugoslavia and few other countries at the time formed the “Non-Aligned Movement”
Which Yugoslavia was also part of


That not correct, Italian ADF used the AIM-120 C5

well… small details :v
U get the point, a nation in which all those vehicles can go, and as I said before, I don’t care which one

I see you missed the “3rd gen platforms” part

You mean like a Soviet export/sphere of influence tree?
If so then hell no

I literally had to read you whole off topic bs and I am sick of it, I understood your point but it wasn’t relevant or needed. every time someone tries to talk about something that isn’t related to Germany you derail it for you own agenda (your agenda being to give Germany the best of everything it possibly could, which is fine but should be done in its own thread instead of derailing and sabotaging other parts of the community). Why is it that everyone should know what Germany used and and should add it to what they were discussing? I remember a time when reading these rumor round ups was enjoyable and could actually inform on upcoming updates rather then being swamped with off topic, funny enough I don’t remember you being there.

No not me Il-2 GB is going to Korea with there next project.
I don’t want WT to do the same.

Plus another half nation after Israel would make even more people hate nations.
At least with the Czechs they can have a pretty big full one while at the same time get a sub tree.

People have been asking for a EE nation for years now.


I also wouldn’t be happy to see Korea right now.

I’ve talked about my dislike of half-trees being chosen over the possible full trees.

Don’t get me wrong after 2 or 3 full trees I wouldn’t have a problem with Korea (I wouldn’t be hyped but wouldn’t hate them).


i literaly never said anything in that sense, the hell you talking about

the point was that we talked about the future fox 3 carriers, germany, uk are some of the nations that will suffer the most. As part of that we got to the short range missles. I literaly said f4f ice would get aim 9l(i) or because gajin is lazy propably the Aim9m. Shay was the one derailing it, saying germany should get its aim9l(i), i just brought to the topic how multiple planes in the game already have unhistoric armament in the form of aim 9m instead of the aim9l(i).
How am i spreading german stuff here, when i just pointed out that unhistoric armament and that gajin will propably give out aim 9ms to germany as well?

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yea, but Gaijin added the Indian (one of the founding nations of NAM) vehicles to British tree… :P
but I do agree Yugoslavia should get an independent tree and some eastern european nations can be added as sub-tree there.