Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

No British jet exists as an equivalent to where we are now. Hence why the Gripen was added.

It’s the unfortunate reality that not all nations built 1:1 examples to other nations jets. Where they happens in game, we always try to find solutions, such as the South African Gripen.

We can’t add what doesn’t exist however.


It’s not fake, it’s based on reality; of which I made bug reports around countermeasures over the last month.
I brought flare filler to the attention of Gaijin Entertainment; and now they’ve added another size, which I suggested.

AMRAAMs mean significantly less dogfighting, which means less dogfight performance isn’t as much of a hinderance.

so will the SAAF gripen get AMRAAMS or will we get something else

Harrier Gr9A
Sea Harrier FA2
Tornado F3 AoP
Tornado Gr4
Typhoon DA2

but fine whatever. I know Gaijin hate actually giving Britain its native stuff for some reason. Still waiting on that IFV…


The SA Gripen has only just joined the game and is currently one of the best aircraft in the game. It’s a bit too early for these types of questions.



I’m more afraid than every nation got early fox3 but France nothing since MICAs would be too much powerfull…

And it would be horrible to give the upper hand on the 2 planes you meet every 10 battles, isnt it…?

I’m not sure what you are on about here? My answer was regarding Typhoon and equivalent fighters and that spesifcally. Why you are jumping to a bunch of other aircraft that didn’t even come up I’m not sure of.


OK i just wondering when AMRAAMS come if will we be stuck with only a harrier or a tornado with it

Missile rail-mounted countermeasures

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Let’s read that.

So, you are the reason why the F3 and Gr7 have no CMs anymore. Well. Bug reports have already been submitted with actually information to havei t undone


11.7, 11.7, 13.0 if AMRAAMs, not armed, 11.7, 13.3.
You listed nothing that would be 12.0 - 12.7.

Those are ALL entirely competitive 12-12.7 aircraft. and yet Britain had NO other options

How then does the company intend to develop countries such as Germany, Japan, Sweden in terms of aviation, with such a one-sided position?

Oh wait, I know the answer: “We can’t say anything yet, stay tuned” right?

My dudes


Harrier Gr9A. Easy 12.0 to 12.3 with 6x Aim-9M, Better engines, HMD and Gen 3 Tpod
Sea Harrier FA2 is 12.3-12.7 with AMRAAM
Tornado F3 AoP is 12.7-13.0 with AMRAAM
BAE EAP is 12.3-12.7
Tornado Gr4 is 12.0 without Brimstone, 12.7 with
Typhoon DA2 is 12.7-13.0. Its basically eqaul to the Gripen C.

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Damn almost all the things for the second major update sound juicy !


Tornado F.3 and Sea Harrier FA.2 require AMRAAM, which we don’t have in game. Tornado GR.4 and Harrier GR.9 are not fighters, but CAS aircraft, and EAP is a technology demonstratior that’s not viable for the game.

So regarding your original statement on fighters currently in the game, no, none of these were options currently over the Gripen.


You added the Challenger 3 Technlogogy Demonstrator. Im not entirely sure why rules seem to be Random.

Oh well… Just gunna have to leave 3 nations DOA for 2024 again, you already did it to 2 in 2023

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