Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It only difference is the seeker so it will be hard

if they realy did great @Shay so we have both italy and sweden with the wrong armament

i’ll bet that they give the ukrainians to USSR, but give them a RU flag, because it hase Russian parts build into them.

We have already seen this with the DF105.

I really hope it doesn’t, if they add a new nation like Czechoslovakia then things from Poland, Ukraine etc can go there too

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Then why is did they say South-Korea won’t be coming into Japan?

Nah, they wouldn’t
DF-105 to my understanding was a joint project, so I don’t know why France didn’t get one themselves, but the German flag wouldn’t necessarily be wrong

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Well France had the AMX-13-105, which I am still waiting for.


The F-4F ICE never used the AIM9M, it only used AIM9L, AIM9L/I (apparently also AIM9L/I-1) and was used for testing the IRIS-T

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Never said it did IRL.
I said it could be one of the available options in-game.
I’m in the camp of giving weapons to vehicles where possible.

I want DM53 on Leclerc and Abrams.
I want SHARD on all NATO tanks cause why not.
It’s realistic and hasn’t been done yet; if weapons can use it, it should be there if the BRs exist for the munition.

There is no need to give the F-4F ICE the AIM9M when the AIM9L/I was actually used, which would already be equal to the AIM9M, minus the smokeless motor

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There is no need to implement another missile when AIM-9M can be used~~

Watch them giving this to all NATO tank except Leclercs, despite it being a French shell.

We should have them first, since everybody got better shell but Leclercs have the same as the release 4+years ago. x)

Yay, Gaijin just officially admitted that they are leaving 3 nations DoA again for an extended period of time. Gotta love that

At least that means we don’t have to worry about F15s with AMRAAM

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There is no reason to add the AIM9M to it when the germans have their own option~~

Like I said. The earliest I see the Eurofighter is the September update.

Tho with Smin’s message, I’m thinking December now for the earliest it will come.

Might need to look at a plane from a Commonwealth nation if the UK wants a plane soon.

UK just got an amazing plane that is even better than the variants the nation developing it got, and you still want more and say you are DoA ?

Based upon 2023 and that message. I don’t think we’ll ever get Typhoon now.

Or at least not until a year after F15Es and Britain, Germany and Italy are well a d truly dead at top tier. At which point we might get a gimped Typhoon

F-15 MSIP II+ [Typhoon’s equivalent] wasn’t coming period, and no nations will be DOA.

USA gets F-16, Germany F-4F ICE, Britain gets Tornado part 2, USSR Mig-29SMT, Japan something I forgot, China J-8F/JF-17/other, Italy F-16 if I remember correctly, France gets its MICA EM’s for Mirage 2000 5F, Sweden Gripen C, Israel F-16.

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It’s not British. Simple.

And it’s not going to be competitive for that long. They keep nerfing it. And that does nothing for Italy and Germany. Especially Italy which is already doa

Oh yes, because Britain, UK and Italys will be equal to F16s and F15s firing AMRAAM