Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Those are ALL entirely competitive 12-12.7 aircraft. and yet Britain had NO other options

How then does the company intend to develop countries such as Germany, Japan, Sweden in terms of aviation, with such a one-sided position?

Oh wait, I know the answer: “We can’t say anything yet, stay tuned” right?

My dudes


Harrier Gr9A. Easy 12.0 to 12.3 with 6x Aim-9M, Better engines, HMD and Gen 3 Tpod
Sea Harrier FA2 is 12.3-12.7 with AMRAAM
Tornado F3 AoP is 12.7-13.0 with AMRAAM
BAE EAP is 12.3-12.7
Tornado Gr4 is 12.0 without Brimstone, 12.7 with
Typhoon DA2 is 12.7-13.0. Its basically eqaul to the Gripen C.

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Damn almost all the things for the second major update sound juicy !


Tornado F.3 and Sea Harrier FA.2 require AMRAAM, which we don’t have in game. Tornado GR.4 and Harrier GR.9 are not fighters, but CAS aircraft, and EAP is a technology demonstratior that’s not viable for the game.

So regarding your original statement on fighters currently in the game, no, none of these were options currently over the Gripen.


You added the Challenger 3 Technlogogy Demonstrator. Im not entirely sure why rules seem to be Random.

Oh well… Just gunna have to leave 3 nations DOA for 2024 again, you already did it to 2 in 2023

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I think his point is what will we get when AMRAAM comes which these planes may have to fight F15Cs with AMRAAMs

Challenger 3 (TD) is a fully functional tank that’s been clearly demonstrated firing and doing all of the things required to bring it to the game.

EAP is a technology demonstratior with no weaponary, combat radar, countermeasures, RWR or other systems required to make a viable top tier fighter.

The two do not compare at all.


FA2 with AMRAAMs is 12.7 minumum, 13.0 linely.
Tornado F3 with AMRAAMs is 13.0 likely.
EAP doesn’t have weapons so it’d be 1.0 luxury cruise.
Brimstones are A2G weapons.
Typhoon DA2 is equal to F-15 MSIP which isn’t in the game yet, minimum 13.0.

Well F-15s with AMRAAMs aren’t coming for the first live test of AARHs, let’s be honest here.

Dunno about it, but if these things were planned, it’s not enough since recently you accepted more and more planned things ?

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In Air realistic battles, AIM9Ms and AIM9L/Is would literally be identical in capabilities, because both still get the diamond around it while their engines are still burning. And its not like the devs care about adding another line of code just to make a identical missile. They added the AIM9B FGW.2 even it was completely identical for a long time

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separate flares and chaff 🙏🙏🙏

Bless the Snail Lords


I would recommend you wind it back a bit and stop jumping to conclusions before we are even a full month into the year.

The Gripen is currently one of the best aircraft in the game and we have other domestic British aircraft planned for this year that actually are viable for the game.


Which was all proved to be wrong by @Rileyy3437. It had all those things. The only thing it never did was live fire a wepaon. But nor did the Yak-141 or the F-16AJ… So…

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Mirage 4000 gonna enjoy it’s 300 chaff and 114 flares :D

Acknowledged by Gaijin but requiered the CMs changes

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Sadly it was not conclusively proven with a solid degree of certainty.

I understand you believe it’s sufficient, but it was not and we have already covered this.

This is now very off topic.


What i would note is that its basically confirmed that update 2 will be the FOX-3 update now as it’d be incredibly odd to add FOX-3 without the seperation of Chaff and Flares


So does that mean Italy is getting something ASAP?

But Germany and Britain arent going to be competetive very long? and I dont want to be sat with the same aircraft again for the next 12 months watching other nations leap frog ahead again. Like they did in 2023.

Gripen keeps getting fake nerfs, not long till they nerf it to be the worse aircraft in game.