Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

is that spring onion?

It says leek


How Paul Rochester Grew The World’s Largest Leek


it’s basically a large spring onion

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Want another leak list ? not anytime soon

but those arent all loadouts, you can take more SRAAMs if you would want to and the slots for fuel /ARM missles can take BVRAAM and SRAAM misles as well

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Germany has 0.51 WR on 11.3 and 0.66+ on 11.7+,
Sweden performs really good since 9.0 and up to 12.3 (well, they dont perform badly anywhere at ground,best Ground TT to grind WR and vehicles wise),
Soviets perform with 0.46 at 10.0, muxh better at 10.3-11.0, then take badly 11.3-11.7, to have okayish WR at 12.0-12.3
Also KD just because

this video
Please Gaijin just let me post

yeah it shows that germany isnt the problem, but sweden is. germany just recently went up now and a good bit of it is the flavour of the month effect, a lot experienced russian players left russian to play germany again instead, that coupled with vehicles that reliably kill russians vehicles now without doing first themself and russians win rate just plumeted, should remember before the recent patch russian winrate pretty much was the same as germanys if not higher

That is a massive leak my friend

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@Deathmisser looks like we don’t need Finland to get Hornets for Sweden afterall


That is quite an impressive leek Indeed.


I know some one who’s gonna be mad at this


i just found a cheater in war thunder and saved the replay, where can i report him?
(not in game, because that wont work)

PM a game master


i really hope we get some new SPH’es coming in next update.
Especially artilerry tanks

I hope it’s the Bishop, Preist and Sextion if that’s the case.

I need my WW2 Allied SPAs.


In February 2023 the tank type 74 G was available to purchase, let me buy it this year pleeeeeease

I do need to correct myself if it wasn’t clear in the post above. Su-34 has it’s own sort of built in pod, an imager (Platan) if you will, and it’s just like a pod in capability. It can angle itself downwards a bit, giving it better angles and range than the Kaira found on the Su-24/MiG-27, it’s also thermal.

Su-30MKK is Russian, Shenyang did not assemble the initial frames. That being said, it’s equally Chinese as it only serves in the Chinese AF. Su-30MKK and Su-30M have the same capabilities as I mentioned above. Su-35 should be able to handle the same load as an Su-30M. J-16 appears to have the same capability as the Su-30MKK, just with AESA.


When F-4E cockpit gaijin?


Whenever they get around to doing all the bomber cockpits… Oh wait


where do i report a cc