Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Poland is one of the three nations I want the most. Mostly for their low tier however, they have one high tier tank I’d want.

The others are Canada and Australia/ANZACs


That’s actually a reasonable approach. Polish tt with Warsaw Pact additions sounds reasonable history-wise and balance-wise.


No idea how RR is so dead right now. We got ARH confirmed to come soon and people are still so quiet? Wow.

I have a rumor that the next patch will include “vehicles” and “mechanics” and that the “patch” will have a “name”



The terrors.

Screenshot 2024-01-03 181400
Ground forces waiting numbers btw. Usually I see far more US than Soviets.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 210536
Screenshot 2023-12-27 140612
Screenshot 2023-12-28 102716

My honest reaction:
Screenshot 2024-01-07 122035


All the MLs as well


There 's not too much we can talk abt MR-ARH that hasn’t already been discussed, we’ll need new information for that.

For high-tier Air we could be talking abt the evidence and implications of the newly( partly ) added targets for anti-radiation missiles, and the ballistic missiles/ cruise missiles added along w/ them. We haven’t discussed that as much as we c/should have yet.


AA go bye bye

More like .

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Need the funny “AIR-2A Genie” in War Thunder


I wonder what Rank 7 tank premiums are coming? I was honestly surprised that we’d get a new US and British premium 11.3, but that the TURMS, which is probably the oldest rank 7 available, has seen no upgrade or alternative rank 7 premium like some kind of T-80. TURMS is also atrocious. Plus a few trees lack any Rank 7 ground premium: Japan, Italy, France and Israel.

I would not be surprised if something like these arrive next patch.

KVT is really new and US still got the rank 7 HC premium anyway, so I don’t see why Gaijin wouldn’t do it for their other nations. It’s probably even evidence that US is a huge moneymaker. Same with the IDS premium, clearly some pennies involved in catering to US/Ger. US also has 3 Rank 7 premiums for Air. If that says anything that says there’s clear profit in catering to certain trees.

i have a feeling next update russia and Germany will get a new premium 11.3 ground


sooo we gonna act like the 2S38 doesnt exist?

i think its more likely they will add them in different updates, so that they gonna have a big advertised premium (pre order ) for each of the coming updates


I mean it’s not an MBT. It’s also not new since the rank shifts. Which is, to be honest, my point.
You can argue 2S38 is under BR’d, maybe it is. But the new premiums are 11.3. That’s what intrigues me, that Challenger DS and KVT are newer than TURMS and yet HC premium and OES are new.

See what’s curious to me?

Really no doubt that probably German or US premiums are likely to be pre-orders. Since there’s an exclusivity factor, plus people don’t know how good or bad it is and there’s some pressure to buy it soon at full price and it’s the most profitable nations…

With all seriousness - it can play as MBT without any problems

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I didn’t want to believe it. I thought I was good enough to carry a team at absolute top tier… Good lord. US 11.0+ being on your team is a death sentence. Even if they “fixed” the US armor, there’s no armor for one death leaving lvl 38 players with a Click-Bait.

I looked at our last lopsided loss to see who did what, and it was about 1/3rd KVT/Click-Bait players, a few TURMS players, and then 1/3rd squadron (AIM mostly, 1 T-80UK) players. Top performing third had full-ish lineups. Bottom third left after or even before the first death, middle third was 1-2 deaths, top third was 3. Maybe a third of the players were lvl 100, almost half were above 70, few were below about 40.

If top tier is US 1 death leavers roulette, I’m going to slowly stop playing top tier, more than likely. It’s hard enough having to face these new Leo 2’s with excellent (trollish) armor and spall liners, let alone have to watch Level 28 Timmy sit there in his Click-bait, completely inconveniently out of position and bounce rounds off of it until we’re both dead because he’s preventing the team from getting into position in time.

TURMS with real (B model) turret armor would be good. 3BM42 isn’t going to cut it without something lulzy like APS or excessive ERA somewhere. 3BM46, thermals, and whatever else to make a good 10.7 or 11.0.

I hope Japan, Italy, France and Israel get some premiums, but Sweden and Germany MUST get more premiums, and they need to be on sale because top tier at this point is a 3 way battle between not getting US, getting Germany or Sweden, and hoping that Germany and Sweden aren’t on the same team (against you) anyways.

I think at this rate it’s a matter of pumping more sub level 50’s with a wallet into different nations. US is LOADED right now with crappy players at 11.0+, you’re basically guaranteed to lose when they’re on your team (I’m 1 for 7, and we had Sweden in the game we won). 2S38 exists, but all nations need something a crust above 10.0. Frankly, if they wanted to give the 2S38 a little more mobility, maybe a slight buff to the ERA, faster reload, little more accuracy, maybe even some sort of dart round at 57mm… I’d be fine with a massive BR increase for it, just to shift the 2S38 players up into that 11.0 queue that is really f*cked up right now.

With few* problems, not any.

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As much as I used to call against this idea, a premium ariete would allow gaijin to unironically realize the real shape of Italy: the fact that the only thing holding the tree together are the most skilled and mentally undefeatable players 11.3+ has to offer - not its vehicles that besides the wheeled assault gun are the most inferior of the tier.
Yes I am a bit selfish since I play Italy at its top tier and I dont have 5 kd, but on that topic, I regularly defeat leopards and BVMs with the “most inferior tank in the game”.


Those being?

If you can keep a 1.0 K/D, especially in an Ariete, you’re doing just fine.

I’m not saying I know the pain of the Ariete, my T-90M is a great tank, however I’m still semi stock, so the struggle is real.

Most loses are going something like this: reduced mobility is a death sentence when half your team is back to the hangar, so you have no cover or distraction to get to a forward fighting position. You end up in your spawn, finding something that’s only somewhat defensible, but with a sight line that will maybe give you a leg up if someone actually comes your way. You creep your turret over little ridges or around a building or two. You see a Leo 2A5PL/2A6/2A7V/Strv 122/122+, fire a round where it used to pen just last patch, and * bounce *, reload, aim elsewhere, kill two crew, no spall, liner is gone. Peek out for third shot, bam, some other dude flanks you because half your team is gone. Once I get 3BM60, I know this won’t be such a big deal, but right now it’s a struggle, 3BM42 just aint great for most of the situations you’ll find yourself in against Leo 2’s of all flavors. It’s really fun /s

Okay, I wouldn’t say problems, per se, it’s more like an auto-loading 57mm =/= 125mm APFSDS. At 10.0 I can take certain positions in my T-64B/T-72B/72B(89) that I can’t take in the 2S38. I also don’t have IRST to lock planes/helicopters, the traverse/elevation to hit them, or the proxy rounds to blow them up.

tl;dr armor is weaker, armament is better suited as a utility role, not a main gun.

I know dataproject is inaccurate but it is nevertheless surprising that the AMV, alongside with the merkava 4M and TKX/Type 10 are the four 11.7 MBTs with the highest KP/KD.