Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

so what stops switz F/A 18 for germany? exactly nothing

Sure, there is nothing stopping them from adding such vehicle. I never argued that.
I am expressing simply my opinions that things shouldn’t happen, not that they won’t.

but again pls show me a possible switzerland tree for ground, i am not able to find one. Thats the basis from your argument

Here is my favourite example of such concept.

ok nr 1 thing right of the bet, they added austrian vehicles which already doesnt make it a stand alone tree like u said

There isn’t one however there is this:

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The Austrian vehicles are bonuses and without them it is still a functioning tree…
Guess I’ll have to do the digging for you for another tree though considering you are unwilling to do it yourself while continuously arguing a point regarding the topic…

Sure, but there are plenty examples against that point.
Hell, I even forgot to include China.

But given they gave Germany a Swiss Hunter instead of something like an Argentinian Skyhawk (as they have the TAM, yes i know they helped built it but unlike the class 3p its TT), it makes me think they did it for a reason.

I see your point regarding whether it should happen, but this is for a rumour round up, and the rumour is that they’re gonna get a Swiss F-18, because they got a Swiss Hunter in their air tree.

You asked where the SA air sub tree is.

Like I said there isn’t one. However Smin has said even without sub-tree type in other sections of the tree their vehicles will still go there as Smin said.

And what 4th gen fighter with AMRAAMS they gonna get with out the EFT

Single vehicles aren’t representative of a nation’s future, count how many vehicles Israel had in other trees before becoming independent… quit ignoring my points.

I might hope gajin add another 1st gen fighter early post war & early 50’s, another 2nd fighter and fighter aircraft piston engine late WW2 & early post war era.

but gajin forgot 2 or 3 years because focus another aircraft rank 8

They have since moved all of those vehicles to Israel and out of the TT, bar the events, and then said they are unlikely to add vehicles into new trees.

Its like how they used to say they’d add completed but not laid down designs to naval, then they added the kronshtadt and amended the rule.

Japan could have the K1 tank now to plug their top tier gap, but as no purely korean vehicles exist in-game, they could always add a full korean tree.

I think some of you are forgetting something, Switzerland isn’t a sub tree Like the Aussi Abrams the US could get a Swiss Hornet instead

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I know its not a full tree, but the UK doesn’t actually have a SAAF subtree either, just a ground tree, with the addition of the gripen in the air tree. The same applies, the UK does not have a CW air tree, but some CW additions to the air tree.

The swiss hunter was a ‘one-off’ but so was the F-16AJ and frankly I refuse to believe they’d hang one of their cash-cows out to dry. As they already have swiss vehicles, my bets are on a Swiss F-18.

Not true, because the Merkava variants the US had as events never got transferred to Israel, meaning they got cucked out of their own proud product.

Ya… 50’s are not in a good state. When I was BRing the CF-100s on a project I found how bad it to. Not even a full BR from the ones with just .50 Cal’s and the one with early experimental Air-to-air missiles.

eh they are close enough to be nearly the same, low to mid tier seems to be stable
With an ADATS it even a better spaa then i expect, better then benelux at least already
The MLU and Ruag sadly make me question the reliability of the tree and how much they researched, the tanks dont exist, they are only mock ups

Overall the tree is better then i honestly expected, but the top tier is deeply lacking and their isnt realy anything anywhere in the tree that screams we need this in the game for me. that is unique to switzerland and cant be found elsewhere

Vehicles? As if there is a second one you mean?

So long as there is no sub-tree anything can be done with the nation.
US received the the M1A1 AIM and Germany received the C2 MEXAS despite there already having been several Canadian vehicles in the British tree at that point. A single Swiss vehicle being in Germany is indicative of exactly nothing as I keep on repeating.

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