Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

so, where Alpha Jet…

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Yes, refer to the above conversation about language.

As far as the actual content that has been posted, all I see in the book is that it was evaluated. Just above this, it mentions that the Su-20 was evaluated for the purpose of building ID profiles of adversary aircraft, so it stands to reason that they’re not just evaluating aircraft that are meant to be purchased. There are a myriad of reasons they could be evaluating aircraft.

we are speaking about a germany testing stuff, the sources will be in german, if the source is translated it by someone else and not confirmed by someone actualy able to understand the language it isnt considered, because translators could do a pletora of shenanigans. We could literaly “fake” the whole source , without you being any wiser. German sources are accepted as are sources like any other language. If you arent able to confirm it yourself thats your problem


…this is probably one of the most ridiculous things I’ve seen on this forum, and I’ve been here for a long time.

ok so russian sources dont count anymore, they have to be english. thats what you are saying right here

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They couldn’t buy the SU20
in the next part it talks about a team that went to America to test F15 F16 F/A18 and F20 and it says that the F20 was found unsuitable of the Luftwaffe so they were testing it for adoption

Are you being delibrately difficult? I’m saying if you post something in a language other than English, on a forum where the language is English, as a source to back up your claim, then you have to provide a translation of what’s being said. If someone posts a Russian source on an English forum, then yes, obviously it has to be translated.

I read that part too, but again, all it says is that the F-20 was found unuitable for the Luftwaffe.

If the Germany MoD was looking into purchasing F/A-18’s in the 1980s, then there should be some more evidence than just a picture in a book about another subject and conjecture between that and the caption of another photo.

that literaly doesnt make sense and isnt true, like i said earlier, if anyone of us provided a translation it would not be considered because we could “fake” it. What you think doesnt matter. There is offical sources for gajin about testing /evaluation. And they dont need an english one thats the point. We arent here to prove you anything, because we cant. The sources dont exist in eng, because its from germany of a time where it wasnt considered necesary yet to be multilingual. The sources like any other source exist and can be provided to gajin.
Your thoughts dont matter because they are officaly true. if you cant read german thats your problem. We dont need to provide eng sources to you and neither to gajin. Because german ones are considered valid

So your saying they flew other American plane at the same time with the same people but only ever considered the F20 and nothing else even though both the F15 and F/A18 they tested had been given German markings

Wow, first of all, take a chill pill.

Secondly, this isn’t the “passed for consideration” forum, this is you talking to a fellow forum member, trying to explain something, in this case, trying to show that Germany evaluated the F/A-18 for the purpose of acquiring it.

I’m simply talking to you as what I assume to be a fellow human being, in that, if you want to tell someone something from another language, you should also tell them what it means, not to go f* themselves like you’re doing.

Damn, seriously, make some friends.

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What I’m saying is that the link between the F/A-18 and German buying it doesn’t occur from the sources mentioned.

The need to prove this link is even clear if you look at the markings on the F/A-18, which is a German cross painted next to American markings, and with the markings on the F-20, which are the actual German Bundeswehr cross, a German flag on the tail, and a lack of American markings.

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again, what i am saying is that we cant translate it for you. Translators can do a lot of shenanigans. We could fake the whole article and sell you an apple as an earth potato thats the issue. For all you now the article says germany only considered the use of the Aim 9L, but we say they wanna get Aim 9M , if you understand what i mean.

The problem is that our own translations dont matter because they couldnt be trusted, they need to be confirmed by yourself or someone else that speaks the language themself

cause their is no American air force f20s

Out of alliance arguments to arise here I never expected sourcing to be a point of discussion

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so this F-16C Block XXX gets a pass from you ?

me neither

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Judging from your general hostility and negative attitude, I can understand why this is a problem to you, but considering I’m just here for the sake of having discussions with fellow forum members, I’m willing to accept whatever translations they offer.

Again, doesn’t prove a link the F/A-18 testing.

To break this conversation that isn’t leading anywhere up, is there anything we expect this year or that we know of will be coming?
Fox-3 is one of them, what else?

well grippen c got comfirmed for sweden, does that count?


I mean sure, it’s something we know of