Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

a uk SPAA just got passed to the devs

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Ru forums though so you can’t see it here
Британская зенитка - Передано разработчикам - War Thunder — официальный форум

Indeed there was a period when there was close Israeli and Turkish cooperation in terms of military technology, but again, given the political situation between the countries, it makes no sense to put Turkey as a sub-tree of Israel.

No it can’t, there are even fewer unique ground vehicles than Israel, and it has basically no unique air vehicles.

To say it has fewer unique ground vehicles heavily depends on what you consider unique. Both have a good theoretical amount regardless and I am looking forward to seeing Israel’s vehicles be expanded in the future.


Which ones “dont even exists yet” and are Purely Concepts ? As far as I’m concerned only three vehicles in the Tech Tree has not been shown in physical form, and those are TİYK Projects. Technology Demonstrator thing on the other could be partially true, but If you mean “mock-up” or non-functional vehicle by demonstrator, there is zero Mock-Ups or Non-Functional vehicles in the current form of the tech tree. There was Altay MTR which had mock-up turret but it is long gone.

Please do point me the vehicles which do not “exists”, I’ll more than happy to provide more information.

Let’s be real here for a second, that is true there are complete c&p M60s and Leopard 1s there absolutely no denying. What about the whole families of light vehicles though ? Or Anti-Air vehicles which puts even big three into shame.

You statement is not entirely wrong but you could make the exact same argument for pretty much all the other minor nations. Amount of interesting stuff surpass c&p M60s and Leopard.

Thing is only justified addition to Israeli Tech Tree would be Sabra, not even other M60 modernisations, rest has no ties to Israel whatsoever. Even then, Israel does not need Turkish M60T/TM or other modernisation packages since there is approximately six Sabra variation that is could be added and purely Israeli. If you are curious those would be:

Plus amount of Turkish vehicles would drown Israeli ones and Israeli Tech Tree would lose its identity eventually. That is not a how Sub-Tree would be, a proper Sub-Tree should support the main nation and fill the gaps wherever there maybe. Best Sub-Tree option for Israeli in my opinion is @Chilean_Thunder 's Chilean Sub-Tree Project. Again, there is no vehicle in the tech tree is related to Israel other than M60T/Sabra Mk.II and there is no other proper connection between Israel and Turkey at the moment justify such concept.

How so Turkey needs a Sub-Tree ? What do you deem missing may I ask ? There is two Main Battle Tank Branches, one Anti-Air Branch with not one but two top tier vehicles with different characteristics, a proper and dedicate ATGM platform, option for unique Sub-Tree and a Light Vehicle Branch with both tracked and wheeled platforms also different armament options to fit your play style. Considering our project is mostly focused on high tier and top tier there is nothing missing especially 9.0 onward.

Plus there is already an option for Sub-Tree, Kazakhstan. And unlike any other Sub-Trees, Kazakhstan Sub-Tree only has vehicles related to Turkey and/or Turkish defence firms. We’ve especially excluded anything that is not related to Turkey.


The what now ? Where did you read TB2 is related to Israel in any capacity ? Provide me any source indicating this.

Only M60T is related to Israel and that being said Israel do not need Turkish Sabra considering there is more than six purely Israeli Sabra models exits. See the list:

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I love how you writing this like Israel has low number of unique vehicles, you gave me a good laugh. No Israel does not lacks unique vehicles, it is they way Gaijin implemented it. There is still quite a bit of light vehicles as well as anti-air vehicles. Israel lacks whole array of Light Vehicles currently, there are tons of M113 modifications, at least two different Eitan configurations, Sabrah Light Tank, and three different FFVD/Carmel prototypes. That would be more than enough to have proper line-ups, even then I have limited knowledge and this list can be extended.

That being said, no Turkey does not have “fewer” ground vehicles than Israel. Although it depends on what you deem as “unique”, Turkey has edge on at least anti-air side. At their best form of implementation both Israeli and Turkish Tech Tree would offer competitive high tier line ups.

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What I personally look forward to most is Israel’s strange MBT based IFVs, those would be very strange to play.

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You see, I completely forgot those. I know there is Namer with at least two different turret options, there is also Achzarit built in similar manner. There is number of NIMDA modernisation programs, several AMX-13 packages and PT-76 modernisation. And most importantly there is this monstrosity.

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Something to note about Turkey is that they are currently one of the few nations which will likely have a domestic fifth gen aircraft in the near future, potentially meaning they are one of few nations which will bring something unique to air once we reach fifth gen. Most nations in game are going to end up with F-35s.

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There are so many fifth gen prototypes that look so much like the F-35. The X-2, the KF-X, the KF-21, and the FC-31 to name a few.

Sim players are going to have a fun time testing their eyes! I guess most of it will just be bvr missile dumping anyway.

There’s also the AMCA, if Indian aircraft are added.

LOL dude I’ve seen fetishes, but yours takes the prize haha


I don’t care what it is. So long as the parts I will play are as unique as possible. Cut the early ranks, fine by me. Unique stuff in low ranks but not at high ranks, sweet I stop playing half way through (hi Argentina aircraft tree).

The reason most player designed new nations are crap is that people seem to think padding out a tree to have the most vehicles possible gives clout. More than Israel/Italy!!! Please ignore that its 4 minor versions of the same plane to get there. A tree cut to the bone with the absolute maximum unique content and clones only where required to fill holes is infinitely better

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I thought I got banned. Seems like everyone had the same issue yesterday

It’s a paper vehicle for now, we can’t really consider it as an prototype vehicle.

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Anyone know if there’s a specific name for it yet?