Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

the typhoon update is the best update in my mind in 2024
i dont care about bugs they will be fixed lol


Jordanian at-802 with atg gbu rockets for britain? lol

british players would be so excited lol

imagine you are in your leopard 1 and a gbu sit on your tank’s head lol

oh hell no

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not the 6.0 Airframe with 13.7 weapons


there is currently no way to use A2A missiles without first getting some kind of target lock, that’s the kind of change I mean and again just sending missiles out with no specific target is bad game design, what you are describing will likely get more team kills than enemy ones all while not surviving very long anyways.

If there is proof of that then sure maybe AIM-9s would work but the AMRAAM in the games current state still needs a radar lock to function, something your “YF-23” couldn’t do

Except that an F/A-18C will not kill an F-15E or eurofighter doing that if the pilots have 2 braincells. The EFT/15E will have the absolute easiest time to dodge the 18Cs amraams. These aircraft will always be the ones dictating the engagements against the 18C.

Meanwhile the Rafale will just off boresight the 18Cs in most of the dogfights.

I don’t mind them adding the 18C/E though. It’s an iconic jet that should be in game, besides that I don’t mind the free kills when I have both my EFT and Rafale.

AMRAAM don’t need a radar lock

AMRAAM work fine with TWS softlock Target designation, but you don’t need to actually lock keep locking it for the Missile to datalink towards the target, you can just choose a different target and attack that one too

Not suprising from a German main.

How hard would it for them to just have the missiles own seeker, which is already modelled, do the initial lock, which is possible and has been done in real life

Again, your argument stems from the assumption that there is only one correct way to play the game, also if I’m not mistaken the F-15E has a relatively poor turn radius, which means it doesn’t have the easiest time dodging AMRAAMs, it’s the high AOA aircraft that are best suited for medium range Fox 3 fights

And speaking of the Rafale there were calls for it to have its BR lowered specifically because it only had 6 missiles, and without the outcry about it Gaijin may well have never given it the 8 it has now which perfectly demonstrates how missile count directly correlates to BR

imo the F/A-18A with just sparrows should be added too

none of the hornets will ever be Meta because of their Airframe but since they’re Iconic they absolutely should be in game

I’m expecting them to come waay after their top tier time is over, just like the Starfighters

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Again, that would require specific changes to the game just to get a pumped-up prototype barely functional

that’s possible rn

it just limits the AMRAAM’s range to 15km

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November 12th

TWS if I’m not mistaken still requires a radar, something @quartas121 specifically doesn’t want it to have

Go on then show me a video of you launching an AMRAAM with the radar turned off

It’s not that I don’t want a radar, it’s that it doesn’t have one so that’s how it should be added

Seeing as the 18C will likely always be lower and slower than any competent F-15E it should be easy to drain the amraams fired by the 18C from it’s energy.

Like I said, it’s a one trick pony in that it’s a high AOA fighter.

why tf should you be entitled to get anything from me

your pathetic irrelevant argument is of no value to this conversation

no, Lord Bear the first I cannot show you anything rn as I am 600km away from my Computer celebrating a Religious holiday with my extended family

have a good evening, and keep your Hardened Iron views

I declare this argument as ended

You literally lied about a game feature; I don’t actually expect a video from you personally, I was expressing that it cannot be done

and you aren’t, you’re on your phone or laptop arguing about a video game