Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Hoping those USAF F-22 upgrades go well to deal with war thunder F-35 spam lol. I think US will get block 4 first irl and ingamd

I mean all stealth fighters look roughly the same, that is a part of the stealth

Maybe a Myanmar Su-30SME? It’s still an ASEAN country, but one heavily aligned with China in a way that such an addition would be more than reasonable.

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Nah they’re straight up copying the F-22 form factor in hopes of stealth, trust me

(I actually think some countries with 5th gen fighter program do this but maybe not Japan)

Uh, it’s more real than a few aircraft we have in the game lol.


The only question I don’t know is if it falls under test bed like EAP or if it was fully planned to be combat operational with technology already designed just waiting to be fitted.


Isn’t that the most advanced one?

I can only see that coming to the game if they can create some sort of parity, there’s no way they top off the air trees and just leave the US as the objectively best nation, the top end has to be balanced

The X-2 was purely testbed no? The actual fighter never hit prototype stage

It was just a tech demonstrator unfortunately

I mean other country might get block 4 but few years after US (irl) and I don’t want to have to wait that long for my US block 4

AFAIK yes, but someone with more info might be able to chime in if otherwise

There is definitely espionage involved in some way but stealth is a relatively known science, even if they develop 100% from the ground up it’s going to look similar, even then you have the J-20 which is pretty unique looking

I think this might actually be very interesting to see.

Gaijin seems to want Korea as subtrees rather than a nation, so having both with China could combine both Koreas still. The “western” subtree of South Korea would also sort of make sense when you have a direct east/west split from both China and Korea

Also the most pressing issue with the Chinese tree seems to be top tier ground, which no other options do quite as well (not even ASEAN, where the top MBT selection is still limited to two Leopards worse than existing ones).

We aren’t allowed to get political, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they got F-15EX’s in the next few years.

There’s always Pakistani F-16’s too, although they and Taiwan have basically the same F-16’s as far as I can tell.

I mean in that case they either give the Block 4 to its NATO allies like Britain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Finland, and then Israel and Japan or the Block 4 will have to wait in game, like I said they won’t just get to the modern day and leave is unbalanced, there will have to be some kind of parity

This isn’t even really political, we are just discussing vehicle procurement after all

Pakistan F-16 is only basic block 50

According to this, which is official USMC, an operational squadron already has block 4’s

where did you get that from, aside from the like 1 NK premium?

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Yeah great, but as far as the video game goes, balance is pretty important, especially when it comes to the very end of the research trees

Yeah true, still pretty cool they’re operating them already though

I can see the F-22, considering that!s basically what you get with a stealth fighter in conventional configuration (see KF-21, J-35, Kaan, etc.), but where is the F-15?

Other than twin tail, twin engine, radar in the nose, which are all incredibly vague charactersitics, I just don’t see it.

I also wouldn’t call it fake, considering with a central fuselage built of the final and combat capable aircraft it is further along than the YF-23.

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