Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I’m not against them getting VT-4 tbh
There might be a chance they will fix the issues with the VT-4.

I mean, Italy probably shouldn’t but Japan definitely could, given that Thailand uses it

True, though Thai VT-4 is technically a low-spec variant with only FY-2 ERA and a worse gun (will not make much performance difference ingame).

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Thtas not how it went with Class 3

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I still dont get it. The TH800 (class3p), the TH400 and the TH200 were all build by a german company and only the TH800 send to SA iirc. It shouldn’t be SA in the first place like the leo2AV isnt US. Or were there modifications by SA? then this one should be added to the subtree and the german one changed to the only german prototype

It 's interesting to see these appear here, since we’ve already had a number of dev and community manager comments that WW1 aircraft and tanks won’t appear in WT due to their low performance compared to existing vehicles. These are definitely going to be VR2 exclusive for a long time.

Class 3 isn’t the TH800, it was built by Sandock Austal in-country using some manufacturing techniques studied for the projected( never built ) german vehicle.


@Smin1080p_WT For Navel battles, can we get a tracking view for the torpedoes for the ships? For example something similar to WorldofWarships. There is already a tracking view for the shells. Just not for your own torpedoes

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I was already excited for Aces of Thunder but this made me 10 times as excited. I love WW1 aviation (especially in VR (Warplanes WW1 and IL-2 WW1 DLC)) and want it so bad in War Thunder. Hopefully with them being in Aces we could see them get ported across to War Thunder.

I’ve made a bunch of WW1 aircraft suggestions and would kill to see any of them in War Thunder

But that trailer looks great. If I run out of ammo I want to just take out a flare gun and try and take out the other pilot

A seperate game for WW1 planes, huh

Gives me hope that they might do a seperate game or at least seperate modes for modern day aircraft as well, considering they absolutely do not work in the still unchanged WW2 focussed gameplay design


WW1 vehicles wouldn’t work in War Thunder and it makes sense to keep them seperate in some form, either through a seperate game or completely seperate game modes in WT

That 's what these seem to be planned for:

I think they definitely could work, the gap between WW1 aircraft and the current reserve/1.0 aircraft should be filled by some post war aircraft as a buffer.

Either that or add them in a separate TT like how Coastal and Bluewater naval are split.

Weird in the statcard it’s called th800 aswell. Then they should change it to the th800 (and add the th400 in the german tech tree. at least that would be nice) and add the class3p as a new event vehicle for UK or something

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TH were private wentures of TH. At the same time second part of Eland replacement was to take place. Sandock looked at TH and went, hey, can we base our things on yours, and TH went yes. Class 1 and class 3 were based on TH 400 and TH 800 respectively. They are not the same vehicle, just based on.

I am yet to see a picture of the real TH 800, the one we have in game is already a Class 3 after the changes SA did to it.

But i can show you a comparasion between TH 400 and Class 1
TH 400
Class 1
You can see things like elevated engine deck, different lights etc.
This is a Class 3
and Class 3 with Olifant 1B turret


im not veteran player but it give me old War Thunder without modern content nostalgia

No. Thyssen-Henschel were creating them as private venture. TH 200, 400 and 800. They failed to get any traction from Germany. At the same time second round of Eland replacement was to take place, and coincidentally TH 400 and 800 lined up with 2 out of 3 desing ideas. I dont know the details, but SA reached out to TH if they can base Classes on their TH, and TH agreed.

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This give me hope since WW1 aircraft could be added via it’s own tree, but hey at least we have the models now so that no longer an issue.

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I reckon Aces will be a testbed for better VR like it seems that WTM is a testbed for Submarines and more advanced naval. I hope this is the case it would be nice for some aircraft to get some updated cockpits and what better way than make them for the cockpit view only game and port it across since Aces is going to be running on the same engine as War Thunder

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That’s not really true at all. Russia relies on a smaller number of larger missiles while the US has a significantly larger number of smaller missiles.
8-16 very large missiles vs upwards of 100 medium missiles on average.
Even going back to before the VLS was introduced, US ships would still have way more missiles overall.

Which is all irrelevant since Gaijin said they don’t want to add them right now and, God willing, right now will become never.

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