FGR in the US and GDR for the Soviets, look its still independent guys
u have a point
I used the word “jump” for a reason, not only can an F-15E carry 5 JASSM-ER but they are faster, stealthy missiles, have a bigger warhead, and have like a 900km range
Compared to SLAM-ER that it can only carry 2 of
u would not see these ingame , too op
If they came with other cruise missiles they’d be fine but even then there is a ways to go until we hit that point. Id be fine with keeping them out of ground battles though, if they did come
my problem is that they are stealthy which makes them difficult to intercept ( pherhaps likley in the future u have specfifc gamemodes where u shoot down enemy standoff munitions)
Which is why I said I’d be fine with it if they didn’t have them for ground battles, there is really no good counter to such munitions
agm 84 is more balanced
Well assuming that F/A-18 could be classified as attacker as same as F-15E in game(because asides from USA, all nations that can have F/A-18 needs top BR-ish attacker)
isn’t F-16 getting SLAM-ER would be better for USA? As turkey did it.
I don’t think the USAF used them operationally, but if you did find proof of US F-16 carrying and ideally firing a SLAM-ER that would be great
Didn’t you also say you wanted Turkey as a subtree for Israel too, along with South Korea?
Not sure range matters past a certain point, 250km or 800km you can effectively launch from anywhere if we ever get to that point
Well we have magic word for that in War Thunder
‘Technologically possible’
See, the thing is, unless you have ideal launch conditions (which put you at severe risk of getting shot down by other aircraft) you won’t be hitting that 250km range, so you will end up within the range of modern AA systems. But with a 900km range you could pop up, launch, and then disappear, even if the range gets reduced by this it’s still more than enough to stay outside AA bubble
That would be best case scenario
JSOW would be pretty cool
No one is getting shot down from 250km away, not if you drop ordinance and just turn around anyways
might function similar to a spice 1000/2000 as both have a terminal IIR seeker
Enemy aircraft, even ones playing it safe and staying within the range of their air defence, can still reach you from 250km away from AA with their own missiles
He a diehard US main who can’t seem to grasp, that the “close nations” actually don’t like or at least doesn’t want to be in the US.
US mains as a whole has fueled my spite, that led me to make Churchill suggestion over the stuff I was going to do.
Shameless self-plug:
Err- I’d link my Churchill III and GC (I, II and IV are being worked on) suggestion here, but that’s easier said then done on mobile over PC.