azerbaijani osa for israel
azerbaijan also have strela
upgraded osa made by belarus. sold to azerbaijan
azerbaijan tor m2mk
azerbaijani osa for israel
azerbaijan also have strela
upgraded osa made by belarus. sold to azerbaijan
azerbaijan tor m2mk
azerbaijan is an excellent choice to become israel subtree
turkish jets and tanks and ships all are non-turkish made vehciles, tukey military industry is not that massive to make turkey a seperate nation in the game, so lets add azerbaijan to israel to fill empty ranks of israel
(azeri su-25s now have turkish made weapon too)
israel su-25 lmfao nice
only russia have su-25 in the game right now?
with that in mind they will more lilely do north korea as a seperate, or sub tree, with the development on south korea and bring them both to WT in the coming months.
Russian top tier in shambles when they cant get the JF-17 Block III
Yeah, I totally won’t mind if they add North Korea to China especially since they can add more CAS
Azerbaijan has only existed since 1992, it’s really too new to be a proper subtree, Turkey would make more sense as an Israeli subtree
Though I still think South Korea makes a lot of sense for Israel too
tukey and israel had great military relations before erdogan, today they have good military relations but its not like before. i think azerbaijna is better.
lets add turkey to germany lol germany need more vehciles, currently germany is a nation with jets that ONLY can carry two fire forget air to ground missiles
south korea for israel? why
south korea better for usa
Germany is likely going to get Switzerland, there is also potentially Austria too, Turkey would be a bigger subtree which is exactly what Israel needs.
And as to the Israel - South Korea link, it’s just because they both start around rank 4, also they have pretty complementary equipment
Not rly just add israely stuff
And if subtree so czech republic is better option
Turkey rly?
TBH there are no good subtree options for Israel, you kinda have to reach a bit
why austria canceled its f-16 purchase! WHY lol
why swiss removed air to ground capabilities from its f-18s lol
WHY lol
AZERBAIJAN is smiling at you :)
im from middle east and i know how they have SUPER GREAT military relations
Well Czech Republic is the most logic one
currently Azerbaijan is almost the best ally of Israel in the middle east
Im from israel and i never heard off it
What azerbaijan bought from Israel?
Dude clam down, plus gaijin can do what it wants this isn’t DCS
drones, they won the war against armenia with HUGE help of israel
i know i just suggest lol