Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Something I do wonder though about that is the rather, IDK how to put it, seemingly randomness on what/when a report will be dealt with.

As the other person posted, some can be up for months or outright ignored/told they are wrong after waiting months even though correct.

Big example would be the HE-Proxy round for the G6 as seen in this thread (1 of the latest in years of reports)

Nearing 2 months has video footage, heck even a pretty well watched streamer had video footage of the issue too

(timestamped to him testing it)

After using it myself, its 100% accurate as an issue and partly why I went back to the m109 because it doesnt have the issue (nor any other HE-proxy tank as i can tell).

The main issue I have though is that you can find reports on this round not correctly reacting to armour from ages back being told “no its proxy round so you are wrong” when clearly, it has had an issue.

example report

(report came after the ability to switch between impact and proxy fuse i believe?)

Its as if they just didnt even attempt to look because its been an issue since the major artillery bug where all of them had it, but the G6 was left behind. Heck you can find reports from over 2 years ago admitting the issue was known too IIRC.

Meanwhile, all around it and a few other reports, you see them being addressed within hours at times.

It just feels very much like reports can just fall through gaps extremely easily and theres no “safety net” to catch them and force them back to the top after X amount of time, at least from the outside looking in.

Will admit bias as I wait for 1 of my own reports to be looked at (my strikemaster miniguns 1 cough Community Bug Reporting System ) but still feel theres a valid issue there.

They exist, but the tiger uht reports just are in a lombo sinxe 3-4 years

any news so far? nothing? ok then why do we have 8300 Messages before the first leek is ripe?

because arguing and complaining is this topics favourite pass time whilst at the same time is smins hell

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8300 posts pretty much accounts for the 9 or so credible leaks plus about 80% of the messages being off topic

Still, operated by US instructors, made in US, designed by US company for a country with strong military ties to the US

It operated by Singaporeans pilots not us instructor, a strike eagle design for singapore needs and a jet belong to the Republic of singapore air force

They just literally there to train that about it

It is jointly led by US and Singapore officers, and ofc F-15SG are operated by US instructors, how else did they learn how to fly the American jet?

That has a Singaporean roundel on it

It also has US squadron emblem from 1954, and USAF tail markings

But I don’t see how the US training them leads to you saying it should be in the US tree, again, there are enough F-15s to share, you don’t need all of them, and you won’t get all of them


There are their to train with them but at the end of the day it the Singaporeans who the one piloting it, there literally videos about it. Also about marking since they in America territory they have to American marking (it will make no sense to have Singaporean marking where to not even in singapore)

you guys can argue over spilt milk lol

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It’s a very American stance to take, pure self interest with no real regard for others, it’s kind of depressing that so many people are like that


The F-15SG is as much as a sidegrade as the F-15K or F-15I, because SLAM-ERs would probably never appear in WT. This is like spilling milk instead of giving them to the trees - probably Japan in this case - that actually need it.


I just looked onto my list, and there is an report from the old forum, better to make an new one on the new Report Page?

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Yeah, though the F-15SG has the slightly more powerfull on afterburner GE engines and AESA radar.

But even then, an F-15SR could put that in the US tree as well. The only downside being the lack of JSOW (if they are added), which US F-15Es are already able to carry anyways assuming Gaijin doesn’t do any stupid decisions there. That being said, the SR carries SLAM-ER that the SG doesn’t.


F-15SR, there’s at least two but it’s hard to tell them apart from the F-15SA

US F-15E testing JSOW
7 27 F-15E-50 90-258 53TEG right front take off l

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Isn’t the issue with JSOW just that the USAF stopped buying them, not that the more modern aircraft can’t use them? Because for Gaijin rules that can be enough, if the aircraft is compatible and the country has them in stockpile, like the Mavericks on the F-15I?

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They are part of a USAF squadron though. So technically it sort of is operated by the USAF, which is textbook justification to add to a tree

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