Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


On a quick scan through some already appear to have been. If they have an accepted tag, it means they are already forwarded. Those that do not will need to be reviewed by a member of the team that can validate and replicate with VR.

Whilst removing a significant amount of context and trying to apply it to other reports or subjects.

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As I mentioned above, that’s because this report was linked directly to several others, as a packaged report on the radar, its performance and modes. Every change possible to introduce through the information in those reports was done. Those that could not be, were answered such as the ones I explained above and several days ago. GMTI is a feature lacking on several radars. Including this one.

It appears the developers have just entirely forgotten about it, it is the only explanation I can find to such a report not having been acted on after so long. Would it be possible to have them see a brief reminder to refresh their memories, just in case?

The issue is, there are two kinds of bugs; game-breaking, burdening ones that severely alter the performance of vehicles and ruin them, and… practically inocuous ones, which are the ones that are more often than not acted upon on a weekly basis as you said.

When we talk about bugs, we mean things like Type 10 being practically unable to turn properly since it was added back in 2021, the Chinese Top Tier MBTs still missing their spall liners despite the comprehensive and vast bug reports on them, etc; not about some smoke grenades having the wrong caliber on the statcard or a coaxial machine gun having the wrong name/ammo count.



I already agree with you that GMTI is missing in several radars. There’s no disagreement there. The difference however is that those radars have their reports open, while in this case the GMTI mode here was closed without an answer specific to the report itself.

@Smin1080p_WT in the mean time i am just waiting for the pzh2k to get addressed by the devs.
Seems to have largely went under radars since everything was concentratet on the eurocanards.
Its still missing its spall liner, which if the trend of spall liner reports is sth to go by seems to never get adressed even if acknowledged.
As well as missing all its real ammunition option.
Hell the researcjable french round at tier 4 is worse then uts stock round now

How about this report for the Kurnass 2000 TISEO?

The TISEO stabilises the camera infront of the aircraft instead of tracking the locked radar target.

This issue was closed a year ago with the mod commenting that it has been fixed when actually it still is broken.

As I mentioned, we will always do what we can to nudge reports and bring them to attention where it can be done.

Many of these are too. Not just trival issues. Thats often the primary role of the its fixed series and major updates, to correct many of the longstanding and requested issues mentioned and upvoted on the CBR site. That is however also subjective to what one player may consider a “major” to them compared to another.

But to write off the entire system and say no issues of significance are corrected would not be accurate. Understandably its always easier to remember the ones that have not been than the ones that have been.

This issue was fixed and confirmed internally and on dev server from So if the issue has not been resolved or has returned, it requires a new report.

Most issues for the Pzh 2000 that were forwarded as far as I can see were already fixed.

Of the ones remaining, there are 3 open. Spall liners (requires some further investigation, validation and then the modelling work), Shell (Suggestion) and the Incorrect reverse gear which is indeed a bug.


Another thing, “AN/APG” just means it’s an American fire control radar. And doesn’t even cover all US radars with a2g ability since the AN/APQ’s exist, like AN/APQ-112


I thought about tagging you on this one.
Can you gives us more clarity after 2 years?

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Its now updated: Community Bug Reporting System


I know! That’s why, every Major Update and every “It’s Fixed”, I rush enthusiastically to watch the patchnotes in hopes of finding any of these fixes…

Yet, Type 10’s steering is still broken after 4 years.
Yet, Type 10 is still missing significant acceleration after 4 years.
Yet, Challenger 2 is still missing its LFP spall liners after 1 year.
Yet, all of the Chinese Top Tier MBTs are still missing their spall liners after 1 year.
Yet, Challenger 2’s first-order replenishment speed is still twice as slow than it should after 6 years (or 1 year since it was reported on the bug reporting platform).
Yet, Challenger 2’s first-order ammunition rack is still too small after 6 years (or 1 year since it was reported on the bug reporting platform.
Yet, the Abrams series’ turret ring is still a flat 50mm thick plate after 7 years.
Yet, Merkava Mk.4’s armor is still seemingly made out of rubber after 3 years.
Yet, M1A2 SEP/SEPv2’s turrets are still underperforming after 1 year.

And a very, very long etc.


I just answered this above.

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Goodnight! 😴

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Oh, I just put on a washing machine cycle, I gotta stay up for a couple more hours, but I was saying goodnight just in case he was leaving soon xD

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Smin. On a scale of 1 to holy guacamoly, how game changing is the march update going to be?


There are more than just US radars as part of the ground mode report too. It was just a summarization of ones similar to the AN/APG-76 being discussed. Not a reflection of the only radars impacted.