Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Twas a nice break


tfw I have every vehicle in this hanger(except the Gr9a which is not in game yet)

Doubt. You can have 3 at best.

jag gr1b eft s2b, a combined kill count of over 1k as well

That’s a Da2, not FGR 4

Yep. I would have actually started grinding/playing high/top-tier if I could have Canadian lineups. Instead I gave up and stuck to (all-nations) WWII.

Being able to play one’s own nation’s vehicles together is a huge motivating factor for many people, and the devs fumbled hard in this area. Ideally, every nation should be a “sub-nation”, always in the same tree.

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Wow those ingame hangars start to look more and more realistic

Idk man, it has been looking the same for me for years (cries in integrated I5 graphics)

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Going for that cinemaic 24fps and retro pixel art

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Man, 24? Usually when I see a Power Point presentation I complement it for the smooth gameplay.

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Would be a very cool idea to make the hanger screen like a museum, with recommended prems hanging up on the roof and the players planes the grouns


I bake Marble sponge cake



need more SA


Kinda off-topic but does anyone know if devs will ever add the IR spotlight to Pattons? Specifically the M48A1 and M60. As mentioned before I think it’d be cool if they spent one update to optimize/upgrade models.

For instance the M48A1 had the spotlight before but they removed it, don’t know why.

very unlikely

there is no IR/CCD/TV homing version and the only other type would be ARH and that’s literally a guaranteed FnF kill… or rather 18 Guaranteed Kills

Use full screen mode instead of windowed full screen. It gave me 5 more FPS.

Oops, smth goes wrong)))


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Like a museum you say?

:( very sad

Seattle museum of flight X wt?