Twas a nice break
tfw I have every vehicle in this hanger(except the Gr9a which is not in game yet)
Doubt. You can have 3 at best.
jag gr1b eft s2b, a combined kill count of over 1k as well
That’s a Da2, not FGR 4
Yep. I would have actually started grinding/playing high/top-tier if I could have Canadian lineups. Instead I gave up and stuck to (all-nations) WWII.
Being able to play one’s own nation’s vehicles together is a huge motivating factor for many people, and the devs fumbled hard in this area. Ideally, every nation should be a “sub-nation”, always in the same tree.
Wow those ingame hangars start to look more and more realistic
Idk man, it has been looking the same for me for years (cries in integrated I5 graphics)
Going for that cinemaic 24fps and retro pixel art
Man, 24? Usually when I see a Power Point presentation I complement it for the smooth gameplay.
Would be a very cool idea to make the hanger screen like a museum, with recommended prems hanging up on the roof and the players planes the grouns
need more SA
Kinda off-topic but does anyone know if devs will ever add the IR spotlight to Pattons? Specifically the M48A1 and M60. As mentioned before I think it’d be cool if they spent one update to optimize/upgrade models.
For instance the M48A1 had the spotlight before but they removed it, don’t know why.
very unlikely
there is no IR/CCD/TV homing version and the only other type would be ARH and that’s literally a guaranteed FnF kill… or rather 18 Guaranteed Kills
Use full screen mode instead of windowed full screen. It gave me 5 more FPS.
:( very sad
Seattle museum of flight X wt?