Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

yeah, the only way the F-22 can be added this year is if stealth basically does nothing, and I don’t think anyone wants that

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I will allow it if it has to enter the combat range (lock range in this case as it is stealth) of other jets. If it is limited to AMRAAM Cs and there are better AESA carriers with PL15/Meteor which allows them to in theory outrange F22 but will need to wait for radar lock. That will do for balance at least for me.

Yep, agreed. It’s hard enough dealing with the typhoon not picking up anything on radar as is, and that is likely not intentional.

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Im more curious to see what they intend considering they stated they want to fill out nations with gaps, i really cant see them doing anything in particular with this but im hoping theyll proove me wrong. Realistically im looking at multiple spaa for isreal in one update to help fill out the BR’s and plent of plans and jets too nations lacking them. Maybe more WW2 planes for Japan (pls snail its been like 2 years)

Then for France they should have fixed the mica em on the Mirage 2000-5F if a counter to F-15E was needed.


Yeah F-22 Vs T4 Typhoons would be fine

But I don’t want to be fighting F22s with T2 Typhoons

The F-22 is always going to be able to detect the enemy first, regardless of stealth (it has stupid powerful radar) but can be balanced by only giving 22 early C, which are literally the same as 102B flight perf wise but with clipped wings. And add 120C to eft and F-15, and fix mica to rafale and add r-77-1 for soviets

F-22 upgraded vs T4 is fair, early vs T4 isn’t

Upgraded has apg-77v1, 120D/260A and HMD

Well… at this rate, Typhoons will still use AIM-9M and AIM-120B, and F-22 will probably also come limited to AIM-9M and AIM-120B, so it’s not like anything will be much different.

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But maybe will have CAPTOR-E not Blue Vixen

Erm akshualy it’s 120C-1 through 4 (same as 120B range, just clipped wings to fit in 22)

Yeah, the key is that the Eurofighter needs better missiles to be equal to the F-22, in particular the ASRAAM and IRIS-T are going to very important, the Meteor as well though most of its range is wasted, the better seeker will be very important

Nah, that will be problematic, AMRAAM RN is still better than all of that. Need to be outranged by stuff so that it doesn’t have ‘unkillable range’ where it can reign. Maybe allow J10C or T3 Typhoon which at least have superior radar so that it is even ‘detectable’ from 25km or so.

Oh come on an early F-22 doesn’t justify those things

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Superior radar is debatable, the APG-77 was made to be the best for the foreseeable future. Then you have the 77v1

In real life? Maybe- but I am talking about War Thunder.

We got F-15Es and Eurofighters limited to AIM-120B and AIM-9M… so what makes you think F-22 would get any better missiles? xD

Because people are afraid of the “powercreep” of more advanced missiles (totally not like R-73 or MICA-EM), many of our current Top jets are limited to weapons they never even carried. Eurofighters, for example, should be using early AIM-120Cs at minimum.

The F-15E is still a meta aircraft and performs extremely well against both the EFT and Rafale You are proposing adding an aircraft that outperforms by the F-15E by quite a bit. It’s only fair the other nations like the EFT also get buffs. F-22, even an early one, would be like 15.0


the game already could do with better IR missiles, but the Eurofighter needs a weapons advantage to realistically face the F-22, that’s the only thing that makes the fight somewhat fair

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The early C are exact same as B but with clipped wings

AFAIK, it should also be able to pull 40Gs instead of just 35, right?

I may be mistaken, since I am not as well versed on air as I am on ground xD