Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Yet still no competitive MBT for Italy besides the Leopard.

knew about the fa18 and seems fine to me… but the f22 and f23???
Is that just speculations or did the devs talk about it? I mean adding 5th gen to the game will probably change a whole lot in the game

YF-22 and YF-23, NOT the F-22

Would be the step in between the F-117 and production stealth fighters

What does that change? Less weaponry? Less advanced electronics?

Exactly that pretty much. Slower too

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crypto is saying HELLO to you lol

Sadly its never going to be possible to satisfy every request for every vehicle ever. But that doesn’t mean all requests are being ignored. Once again, there is only so much that can be added in a year, already this is a lot of new vehicles.

Not quite sure what you mean here, but if it was that “nobody asked for” the Luchs A2 and Zerstörer 45, then that would very much be incorrect. They may not personally have been what you wanted to see, but that doesn’t mean others did not.


In most cases, it generally comes down to what the majority of sources / most credible sources would say. But if a claim cant be fully proven, normally a source that can fully provide something is used.

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I need them all ))


Can i ask about a certain Finnish heavy tank? ;)

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Its already been answered several times.


The box art is defo frame-able lol

Any SHar news?

Yeah but like EAP you know ill keep asking, considering the 1A still has no lineup to play with

Kinda sad the F-16C isn’t in Air Force grey

And what tank would that be?

If you get it you can paint it like that

Stop with Botswana they use more Swiss, British and Israeli stuff so they can’t be a dedicated subtree. They could be a one off for the mica surface launched - which I’m guessing is your main motivation.

We would update in the reports or topic if there was.

But muh Botswanian Strikemaster in the French TT! (in fact… time to make a suggestion lul)

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