Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

And AESA without an F-2 is equally stupid


At least you’ll have the lineup of ZTZ96A (P), T-80UD, and Al-Khalid once it does go on sale.

Naval planes that have radar are frothing at the mouth currently.

(PBM-Mariner more specifically)

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With the current full Thai C&P sub-TT that could have been added 3/4 years ago, despite that, they kept leaving gaps within Japan - i wouldnt be surprised if the F-2 comes 2 updates after the introduction of AESA.



F-15IA outfitted AESA radar, engine and carries 12 AIM-120 AMRAAM (AIM-120C-7 & AIM-120C-8) like F-15EX and F-15QA

J-11B Late (Block 9), battle rating 14.0 minimum

EF-2000 (DEU) and F-2000A (ITA) Tranche 3A standard coming to third major update 2027 or second major update 2028

I might want new thai F-16A with AIM-120 (F-16A Block 15 ADF or F-16AM eMLU

But no light attack aircraft rank 8 for japan tech tree

I don’t know timeline AESA for USA fighter aircraft top tier but battle rating 14.3 or 14.7 minimum

Im curoius to see how multi-unit AA options will work. I have to imagine each side will have a powerful radar somewhere on their side of the map like at a helicopter spawn or maybe even their respective airfields. Maybe the AA system itself is also a fixed asset and you just spawn in the command vehicle.

The marketing for that particular feature is there. Just recreate the scene where Major Emmett Tullia dodged the six Iraqi SAMs.

With how fast things are progressing, my guess is that F22/Su57 for December 2025

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I dont think so. There’s still so many aircraft for the US that could come before the F-22. Like Block 70/72 F-16s and the whole Legacy and Super Hornet family. There’s a handful of A-6s and the F-14D too. Not to mention the sheer amount of strategic bombers too. I’d rather get those over an F-22 personally.

It took a bit less than 12 months to go from the F-15A to F-15E. Who is to say the same won’t happen with these?

Just because you’d rather want those, doesn’t mean Gaijin (and the rest of the playerbase, but most importantly Gaijin) also wants them.


I absolutely agree, December is the update that brings the new airframes, after the F/A-18 in the summer update and the Super hornet alongside the F-15EX being soft dropped at some point in between, the only new airframes we can get are the 5th Gens.

True on both accounts. If anything, all of those aircraft between the two are still like 1970s to mid 1980s. The F-22A would be jumping us to 2005. I personally don’t think we are ready for the F-22 nor do I personally want it right now. And Gaijin has stated they are working on strategic bombers. So there is some interest.

Isn’t the F-16C already like in the 2007 ?

The intitial date of service is September 1984. The block 50 was introduced in 1991.

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Well, the UK is in 2004 and France in 2006, not mentioning that both of their aircrafts are superior to almost anything the US can get apart from the Raptor and the F-35.

Which is why we probably didn’t need them but what else does EU have that isnt from a sub tree? Europe spec’ed into one plane that will be out of variants without making up things that are currently classified. I understand the need for something to counter the F-15E but Europe will run out of Tranches in like two updates while the US has at least a dozen planes that with the right kit will keep it fairly competitve.

Rafale f3 is from 2009 tho?

That’s very true yeah, but British and French mains were getting pretty angry not getting their domestic stuff, I sure wanted my Rafale myself, even though it’s bringing the game into a very modern era it isn’t specifically ready for.

I don’t really agree on that though, there’s really only 3 new top tier aircrafts that could be brought in right now, the F-15EX, F/A-18C and F/A-18E. Gaijin has showed in the past that they don’t add sub variants, just look at the huge jump bewteen the F-16A block 15 and the F-16C Block 50. imo I think it’s a good thing because the game has to advance and adding 50 sub variants of an existing airframe gets annoying, but i definitely understand why some people still want them.

F-16E, F-16C upgraded past block 70 standard, block 2 and 3 super hornets, F-15C with an apg 63v3, F-15E with an apg82v1, EPAWSS maybe, and gbu 53 (which should come to current F-15E to compete with brimstone)

Also USMC super hornets with an/APG-79v4. Also the export derivative strike eagles and advanced eagles