Dance of Dragons won’t feature as it’s soon soon as far as im aware.
Oww, I was looking forward for Al-Khalid, but I am still too poor to afford it at full price, hahah.
Thank you for your quick reply! I’ll change plans, then o7
They eliminated the variant in favor of revising the SEPv3, so it really isn’t unless it’s like a Yak-141 kind of limited run thing.
Nice, you could finish ground entirely in two or three patches, certainly by this time next year. Again, ground is basically done.
They have legit tested a SEPv4 prototype though. That already makes it fair game for WT.
It’s similar as the 2S38, WZ1001 and CR3 TD etc.
Not really, but feel free to live on in fantasy land.
it’d be cool if they reworked some models, iirc US Shermans have mudguards when I think they didn’t use those, other tanks like the M103 and M48 look very old, etc… imo they should cool down on adding new stuff and focus a bit more on refining what they’ve got
Nice joke but ground is absolutely not almost done. It be more fitting to say “MBTs are almost done”, as every nation has a long list of possible additions(yes they’re basically everything but mediums(not to say there isn’t possible mediums as there is) but still possible additions)
Heck the number one vehicles I’ve been wanting is the Allied artillery(despite my inability to play them) namely the M7 Priest and the 25-pdr(a gun that we only just got in game on the first and only vehicle with it a French boat) equipped Bishop and Sexton.
There are stuff like CATTB sure, but for some of the nations its at their end.
With a whole new design to go: US(CATTB), USSR(Obj195, obj490), Germany(KF51, EMBT), France(EMBT), Sweden(Strv 141)
With major upgrades ahead: Italy(C2 ariete), Sweden(Strv 123)
With minor upgrades ahead: China(ZTZ99A/GL6), Japan(Type 10/Mitsubishi APS), Israel(Merkava mk.5), Britain(CR3 Production)
Add to this a whole bunch of cold war prototypes (both big and normal gun) and you easily have a couple years worth of content if not added at an overwhelming rate.
Nobody is asking for 5 new(ish) top tier MBTs per update anyway. Just having more than 1 per year would be nice.
ZTZ99A2 is a rumored variant, there are no proof of its existence. There are ZTZ99As mounted with GL6 APS but no further developments.
For Britain you could add India as some Indian MBT’s could be slotted after the Vickers likes like the Dutch Leo’s
Some more Bhishma’s and Arjun could pan out that line after the Vickers mk.11
I would be pessimistic about the bhishma II, seeing its a gimped T-90M. Arjun Mk.II features a rifled gun and I expect it to be worse in terms of peneration seeing how the two-pieces ammo go. I am however interested in the zorawar, looks funny at least.
Ah, true! And Gaijin DID say that they had plans for the Vickers line… add all of the Indian vehicles coming, and the Arjuns at the end of that line makes perfect sense!
But its structured so that everyone is waiting a year to get their stuff. And it gives developers far more time to flush out the various complicated systems that these modern vehicles have. It gives time for people to research them, save up money to buy them with GE, and everyone knows without a doubt when they can expect to get new toys. It also carves out an update time for various other non-new vehicle improvements and changes.
I wont speak for anyone else, but I am a bit tired of the half-baked, still very buggy releases like we have had this update and the past few.
Sad, since most vehicles that were added a long time ago dont have any camo’s despite them having a lot in IRL.
Oh when was this ?
It’s not actually GL6 APS, it’s a completely new APS that should be more advanced than even GL6.
It was designed from the onset to counter fpv drones.
But yeah, unless Gaijin will fix the problems with existing 99A/VT-4, China top tier ground ends now.
I believe that they would be forced to fix it after other nations get better tanks, but this is just wishful thinking on my part.
When people were asking why Challenger 3 (TD) wasn’t going to that line! They said that they had plans for that line.
Then yea I can totally see them dumbing Indian tanks in there since they called our ones niche
I for once completely disagree. In this update bugs on the new stuff are getting sorted out quicker than usual and rather than adding new planes they fixed stuff that desperately needed fixes (Su-27 flight model being the easiest example). Also it’s obvious that they choose to add the EFT and not other stuff because Germany needed a top tier, and Rafale was added simply because EFT without Rafael would be objectively stupid.