The AAM-3 and AAM-4 are capable missles in real life, in this game they are nerfed as hell.
@WreckingAres283 Tell me if i’m wrong on this one.
The AAM-3 and AAM-4 are capable missles in real life, in this game they are nerfed as hell.
@WreckingAres283 Tell me if i’m wrong on this one.
I’m pretty sure.
The summer is going to be huge. Probably the new ship class announcement.
Not only that, but where the frick is the Dutch PZH2000?
Literally everyone got it, except BeNeLux.
It better not be a premium.
And when they add IRIS-T’s…
@Smin1080p_WT How about the lie about keen vision? How come its relevant for realistic battles when the crew skill clearly states that is only for Arcade battles. Fix it.
It isn’t needed for the US tree, they have potent A2A, A2G and multirole platforms already, as far a necessity goes it is low priority.
No what they needed was a competent top tier aircraft, and they didn’t make death threats about not getting one, US mains have a severe entitlement issue that isn’t seen nearly as much in other trees
I’m not saying it wouldn’t be popular but being popular isn’t the same as being needed, the priorities right now are getting China, Sweden, Russia, and Japan proper 14.0 aircraft, and I suspect the F/A-18 will come before that happens, because the US always get something, but the level of entitlement about it is deserving of criticism and most criticism has been fair
Not really when the Big 3 are the Big 3 for a reason. They simply have more players. I understand Gaijin wants minor nations to be more appealing and I don’t fault their players wanting stuff too. Give it to them. But there was absolutely no legtimate reason for not shipping the F-18 last update or updates prior. Unless it comes with a meta shifting kit, which for some reason I dont think it will, its very much DoA at this point. It will still sell because its a poster child of an airframe. But again, its very late to the game and people are understandably upset.
Edit: replied to the wrong post. Apologies.
Wait for the next Update… just like the Italien PzH… would atleast make sense
Maybe, get this… the aircraft wasn’t ready, and they had issues enough already getting the Eurofighter and Rafale finished (which they still aren’t)
I think people forget that the WT update cycle especially at the end of the year is very fast, 2 huge updates plus 3 major updates a year would be a dream come true for a lot of games, with war thunder it’s the expected norm and it’s not surprising that Gaijin can’t always keep up, especially with the end of year updates
Not every addition needs to be meta to be worth adding, I know I’ll be playing it meta or not because I like the jet, and better yet if it does have 120C-5s then it could be enough to give Finland a 14.0 knocking 1 nation off the list for that
hungarian Pzh, sub that logically should have never come to italy and probably the game, but for the sake of diversity it had to happen
And? I talked about the Italien one which sits ready in the files…
One other popular airframe that was discussed often was the mig-25. However the forum has already came to the consensus that the mig-25 would either be broken or completely unplayable.
I think there are ways to balance it, but yeah, it’s a tough one, I would love to go Mach 3 though
But there also isn’t an uproar about it not being here like the F/A-18 which shows that Russian mains are still more respectful than US
That seems debatable. I feel safe in my assumption here that you don’t visit the RU side of the forum. I certainly don’t but the horror stories from there have split over to here in passing and they have indicated that RU mains over there can be very similar. Again, you can’t really fault people who have been waiting for effevtively a year now for an airframe that will probably (again) be DoA. In fact, I would dare say the demand has been equal to those wanting to see the EFT/Rafale.
And its worth pointing out, that I dont ever recall seeing US mains say EU-based nations shouldn’t get their prized/highly requested players. No one was pushing a “this or that”. We could have seen both come and it wouldn’t have caused the issue it did. But as we have learned, Gaijin is horrible at game implementation.
No one is saying the US shouldn’t get the F/A-18, just that it isn’t as high a priority as other things are and were, there were a lot of people saying that the US doesn’t need the F/A-18, which is true, and a lot of people arguing with US entitlement towards the F/A-18 but that was for last update, the US gets something most updates, it’s not the end of the world when you don’t
Like I said, at the end of the year there are 3 major updates in 4 months, and by the end of it we got the just barely finished F-15E, and the totally unfinished Eurofighter and Rafale, now if that doesn’t tell you that Gaijin were already stretched for resources then IDK what will. That is the likely reason it didn’t come last year, because they had other priorities and not enough time to get to implementing it.
F/A-18C/D Early from desert storm armed AIM-9L & AIM-9M (AIM-9M-7 model) and AIM-7M like F/A-18A/B (late)
But I suppose F/A-18A Early (pre-Libya 86’s, Desert Shield and Desert Storm) with AIM-9H & AIM-9L and AIM-7F Air-to-Air Missile
That is if it doesn’t come with AAM-4B, AAM-5(B) or even ASM-2B with GPS guidance.
I wouldn’t expect any of these necessarily, but it’s not impossible either.
Don’t give them ideas…
It is a well known fact that profits will reduce by 100% and the third world war will break out if the update teaser isn’t centered around establishing an F-15/Su-27 like dynamic between the J-10B and F-2A.
Lets hope they do a decent model job on them
What is wrong with AAM-4 and AAM-3 currently in game, I haven’t used them but was under the impression that they are perfectly good missiles, I know the AAM-4 for one has the best range out of the medium range Fox 3s and only pulls slightly less than the AMRAAM and again from what I know the AAM-3 is very similar to the AIM-9M