Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

You say that but a premium Hornet is going to make lots of money for Gaijin, and I wouldn’t expect this to happen soon anyways

Also 13.7 premium

It’ll be better than the JF-17, F.3 late, SU-34, and MiG-29SMT

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You know, I wonder if buddy lasing will ever make it to the game. Probably not but it would be interesting to see. Like an Apache lights up a couple of targets for say an F-16 to lob bombs at.


It’s funny how empty these chats become the moment ground and air get finished in technology.
It’s significantly harder to guess/rumor “filler” BRs than it is the next BR step, especially since the next BR step will likely be decompression before a new technology.

Though F-2 is a good guess/rumor.
F-16V might occur but there’s no real evidence suggesting that it’s coming.
F-15Cs might finally get decompressed to F-15E, might not.

Who knows…

As for premium Hornet that @BearHasLanded is suggesting… that’s not happening. At least not the C.
F-18A as a premium? Plausible.

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The ifv

Yeah Finland didn’t use the A so either they have the F-18C and F/A-18C in the tree, they leave one out of the game entirely, or they have one in the tree and one as a premium later down the line

Obviously there isn’t a premium AMRAAM Hornet coming this patch or even this year but it’s likely that a premium AMRAAM hornet comes to at least the US at some point so why not Finland too whenever that day is?

This will be an unpopular take but I do hope when the F/A-18 comes, its just the US who get gets it for an update or two before it’s C&P’ed into other air trees. Smin did say no one will get it before the US does but I’d like to see just the US have it for at least an update.


No, not in the current state of ground battles and not with the kind of gameplay dynamic that the map and game mode design currently provides.
This extends to the ground based application of buddy lasing (Hunter-Killer) as well


I would support this.
But I would also be more than fine with only Sweden getting a Hornet in addition to the US. Neither Germany nor Britain need a Hornet at all.


When they did that for the MiG-29 with Germany there was uproar, I don’t see why the US needs it’s exclusivity, Sweden arguably need the F/A-18 more than the US do, for the US it’s just a nice addition for Sweden it is a marked increase in their CAS capability

I only support it for Sweden though

And I have no shame in admitting this opinion or hope is 100% out of spite. I was 110% behind other nations getting viable top tier airframes as soon as they could. And absolutely felt bad for UK, Sweden, and German mains for going updates without anything viable. Even felt bad for the Russia mains not having both a viable Fox 3 AND airframe. Gaijn should fix the drag issue and flight models. But the absolute bashing on US mains for being upset over not getting something that would have been no threat to the EFT and Rafale snatching the meta from the F-15C/E…

I don’t have an issue who it goes to beyond the US, but I would like to see just the US have it for at least one update. Probably won’t happen but yeah.

The issue is the US gets something almost every update, and IDK if you were there but on dev stream day the forum moderators were getting borderline death threats about the F/A-18 not being added, that’s why the US mains get so much criticism, because they act like it’s the end of the world having to wait 3 months for a low priority vehicle

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The Gripen E will be great when it arrives, I was hoping with the EF2K and R3C it would have came, as it their closest competitor.

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Yeah me too, however I’m still not sure it holds a candle to the Hornet for A2G, the Gripen E Early would be a great 14.0 with 2 extra missile hardpoints though

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Interesting that the su34 goes to the deck of kuznetsov in the cover. Ofc we know there is a dedicated naval version the su-32fn, but that didnt went well.



Well… i dont really know about this one.

When we get WWII SPH’s and more advanced bombers, there must come a sphere of surtain vehicles that would NOT be able to play against them.

Like the Convair B-36, that thing should only be able to fight against AIM-9B’s at max, nothing above it, since it would make it unplayable. Thus a new in-between br has to be created that makes sure that thing wont be seeing SARH and more advanced AAM.

This thing is already DOA, the armament it has - especially the earlier variants - have been ingame for a looong time now.
It wont probably even be in the teaser/trailer let alone get a devblog. It’s probably going to be a vehicle that is only going to be announced on dev-stream, without a testflight because its “not done yet”.

Sounds plausible.

It has the most to give. Especially things that, again, would not have stolen from the Eurofighter and Rafale beating out the F-15E. And this argument could also be easily said about Russia and yet no one was dunking on Russia mains. They did not need an Su-33 this update yet still received one; which has proven to be quite good as a top tier air sim battle aircraft.

I also don’t understand this “low priority” claim. Besides the EFT and maybe the F-22A, I can’t think of a single airframe that has been more requested/talked about/and wished for than the F/A-18. Not to mention, its now four updates passed its viability unless its coming with some ridiculous kit like 120Cs and Block I 9Xs. So its not really a “just wait at least three months” but rather it’s 9-12 months late.

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My guesses are F-18’s for the next patch.
While Japan gets nothing and has to wait for 1 to 2 updates before it gets an equivalant to the Eurofighters, Rafale and F-18

The F-2 will be good if it comes in the next patch or two but after that is too late, 8 missiles with a combo of AAM-4 and AAM-3 is a good loadout on a very good FM with an excellent radar, remember the AAM-4 is much longer range than the AMRAAM currently and second only to the AIM-54 variants, and while 32g isn’t tons, it’s enough for anything 2km+ pretty much

I dont think so. My gut is betting on a Summer update for the F-18s. I could see an F-14D coming before hand because EU mains need another 3 months in the spotlight. Maybe another Mig-29 or the Su-30 comes first.

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Some minor nations have more to bring then the US, especially at the lower tiers (in the form of, have more suggestions pending then the US), yet they only get 1 and perhaps 2 vehicles per update.

Its simply not fair and creates a HUGE data gap, in the sence of collecting data for different nations.