Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

You asking me before i give an answer

There is no risk involved when you use a scout drone lmao

add drone jammers, or the airburts autocannon rounds to destroy drones. increase shootdown reward for scout drones

Clearly, since it doesn’t make the best SPAA utterly pointless to play, then it is obviously terrible and needs to be buffed.


There still is no risk involved then, the drone is disposable and the tank/armored car guiding the drone can just sit in a safe position

ok fine, not on scout drones then

or give only 1 scout drone per spawn, only replenished at capture points

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It even counters Pantsir now we have the map based TGP thing. Constantly watching EF’s sneak up on the spawns using terrain and just dumping Brimmy’s into them.

When even the best AA in the entire game by a country mile is getting clowned I can’t take any CAS buff requests seriously


You already only get 1 drone, but you can replenish them. That doesn’t make them less disposable.
Letting people guide high range weapons from a safe position is a bad idea for gameplay, no matter how cool you think it would be for the scout guy.

It’s not Ukrainian, and it’s not a RIM-7

if you have to go to capture point, which many times is highly contested, then they arent that disposable.

and every single option to guide can be countered.

Imagine the best AA in your lineup is… idk… LAVAD.

You’ve got a Tornado up in low earth orbit (who you can’t hit) being guided in by a Lynx (who you can’t hit).

Would you enjoy this?

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can LAV-AD not shoot down missiles with the big 25mm?

maybe restrict it to modern vehicles for ground buddy lasing, but jet-jet should be a thing at all BR since at least one has to expose themselves

Mate, you start out with a drone and losing that drone doesn’t mean you lose your entire vehicle. The drones cost nothing, can be replenished and let you sit behind cover. They are disposable.

Yes, you can destroy the guiding vehicles, and in case of scout drones, that would be easy enough, but good luck finding a light tank at the map border hiding behind cover.

how would said LT get another drone after his first is shot down?

Said LT can either go to a cap, or you know, stay in a safe position and use its own laser?

if it can use the laser, it has LOS, which means other things would have LOS right back at it, not to mention enemy CAS

if it goes to a cap it is exposed to ground and air attack

No, lmao

Okay, let me paint another scenario for you

Your best AA is ADATS. There is a Ka52 sat 20km away (twice your max range) guiding in a GBU from a Su34 who’s up at 12,000m that you can hit either.

Would you enjoy playing tanks in this environment?

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they will add better AA so this wont be an issue soon hopefully. there is CAP too

At the same time, China needs a good CAS aircraft, since their JH-7 has long been outdated and has even become inferior in BR to the air defense systems against which it was once introduced
Although they have options to provide something adequate right now