Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

well, seeing as boeing make LJDAM, and raytheon made Paveway 4, we were first both times lol

Also would like to see JDAM-ERs seeing as China has 250 and 500kg glide bombs and Russia has a 3000kg one

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we have that role filled by GBU-39 and hopefully soon GBU-53, but yes would be nice to ahve to pack some more punch

also LJDAM seeker can be put on JDAM-ER

That one can wait for a later date

really? its just GPS/laser combo

there is also a laser/gps GBU-39 they could and should add

TBH the LJDAM-ER would be a pain to use without something like buddy lasing, it’s like a KH-38ML with a flight time of 3-5 business days

yeah, part of why i think they should add buddy lasing

maybe only have it work in air RB and air sim, then move to GRB

Buddy lasing sounds great, but it might be awkward if more than one person is trying it at once, especially with how small the maps are

have it locked to squads then, model the FoV of the laser seeker

Makes squads even stronger than they already are, we want all features to be available to everyone, even if you don’t have friends

maybe lock it to certain modes? or only have it so scout drones or MQ-1 can do it?

but if its jet to jet, i think it should be locked to squads

I can’t not vote for my countries vehicle. Also the hornet for Australia has a huge array of camos that it could get

Can Britain receive in next year at least one researchable CAS atacker for 4.3-9.0 gap?

Why all British CAS atacker between 4.3-9.0 is premium or event??

They could add the Gnat, but I think Britain has most of its available attacker already in game for that BR range, I mean there is the Sea Fury, Attacker, Venom, and Sea Hawk, that were designated Fighter/Bombers, and a bunch of other aircraft that can fill a CAS role, just none of them particularly stand out at it, but that is the reality of British CAS

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Gnat would just barely be 9.0, to be honest depending on how they model it, its closer to an Ariete at 9.3 but with much wider ground attack, particularly the Ajeet.

Not a atacker class

Another version of wiwern???
Or researchable strikemaster???

CPCV hating German mains are gonna be butthurt when they don’t get a neighbours F-35 lol


They could add the Jet Provost, but those aircraft I mentioned while not strike aircraft according to Gaijin are all FB designations which makes them fighter bombers and like I said there are plenty of other vehicles that can perform the role in the range of 4.3 - 9.0 that you gave

If you want a better CAS aircraft say that, but don’t make it sound like there is a massive gap where Britain have no CAS, they do, it’s just not amazing

They’ll get their own, they don’t need a neighbour’s