Fake as heck.
The day 99A and WZ1001 get 6.8 second reload is the day I win a ten million dollar lottery.
They probably ask for it to annoy Smin. Hell I am sure he wakes up everyday hoping to see a comment about the EAP.
No, keep the J-7E where it is and make a separate plane with PL-8s
It’s like they took one of my dream lists and implemented it, too good to be true xD.
That being said, unless Gaijin’s sources differ from the ones I’ve come across, OFL F2 and L28A1 would not really be much different from F1 and 27A1.
So J-7E from china tech tree remodel & renamed to J-7H instead ?
No, keep the J-7E at 11.3. Add a new fighter which is named the J-7E (Late) at 12.0 with PL-8s.
Nah, the J-7E is perfect where it is, better option is to introduce the J-7H as a separate vehicle, but it will be outclassed with the great IR missiles but sub-par FM and no radar missiles. Best to leave it as it is.
Perhaps J-7H as an event vehicle.
I can guarantee you, no Hungarian at all wanted Hungary to be in Italy.
I can also guarantee you, you’ve just made that up to try to make yourself look more better.
Top tip Sunday : If you’re still coping about Hungary then get over it
Personally, depends on gaijin
It might J-7L
I’m not making this up, I’m talking about my experience and interactions of the Hungarian community from before the addition and after the addition.
And how many months ago was this ?
March - September '23
Where are we now, we’re in the month of December of '24 just two days to go till 25.
Italy would be worse off without Hungary and Hungary would off never be added to the game.
It was always Gaijin plan to add Minor Axis nations to Italy as far back as 2018.
Yeah we are close to 2025
Just a few days now
i hope gaijin improve sim in next update like fr sim mode well yk have bad rewards(I HATE AIRFIELD BOMBERS)
Anyone faced mass reports while playing air sb? PvE guys are apparently reporting PvP players
PVE farmers crying about you “ruining PVE lobbys”
base for every grind event
I don’t even play Sim, but this makes me want to hop on a sim match just to “ruin” their days by… (checks notes) playing?
A guy from my squadron received 1 week ban because of mass reports from PvE players